Tell Me Something I Don't Know

Jan 14, 2010 23:37

Yay, my journal has a new layout finally! This one is old-school hard-coded S1 with tables. I've been wanting to make a new layout forever, but never really had the time, patience, or any obsession big enough to really strike my fancy. It's also sad that I have to resort to dusty, obsolete HTML S1 instead of S2, but one very frustrating night trying to work with that system has taught me that I don't understand Perl and never will. I realize that this is like an old man suffering with bad hearing because he's too lazy to get a hearing aid, but, hey, he is deaf to your complaints.

Anyway, tell me what you think of the new look. The comment whore in me loves feedback.

And now on to the news from the 3rd dimension.

Just as I was thinking I got out of the background check at work, the investigator emails me saying the reason it's taking so long to get me in for my interview is that they haven't received a reply from the letter they sent to Japan. After a flurry of emails between me, my successor, and a very unhelpful jerk at Sakawa Town Hall, I am still out of luck. I emailed my old supervisor at the BOE, but never got a reply. It's beyond frustrating. I'll have to call Japan this weekend via Skype, which means I need to buy a microphone. Guh. Buying stuff always makes me grumpy.

Oh, and I have a four weeks to get the info to the investigator or I get the ax. Awesome!

Other than that, things are going well. My sister just got "hired" (read: recruited) by the US Army and as long as she passes her physical on Wednesday, she'll be off to boot camp May 5th. I'm really, really happy for her because she's wanted this for a long time, but it sucks because I'm losing my best friend. Oh well, gotta follow your dreams.

As always, I'm toying with the idea of going to grad school. This option is even more prominent now because the state will pay for it. So the issue of money is pretty much gone. I guess the ultimate thing it comes down to is time and what to get my MA in. It's a toss-up between Library Science and Creative Writing. On one hand, an MA in Library Science could lead to an actual career. On the other hand, if I play my cards right and have a certain amount of luck, an MA in Creative Writing could (possibly) catapult me into the arms of my greatest dreams. I mean, as my thesis project, I'd have to finish an entire book-length manuscript that is fully ready for publishing to get my degree. To me, that's like killing two birds with one stone. However, there is no rule that you must have an MA in Creative Writing to write a book while it's pretty much a rule that you must have an MA to make any money working in a library.

Ah, my mind churns with all the mutually exclusive possibilities.

cubicle life, boo, sakawa, family, writing

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