(no subject)

May 10, 2012 09:05

Yesterday waddled of an odd day. The weather was supposed to be nice, and was for a time, but 3 full on down pours and 2.5 hours of drizzling make the weather person a liar. So, I spent the day with B using the furniture are a jungle gym and me reading. I know I have said this before, but I really shouldn't read. I get very little else done. I read Hunger Games (finally)yesterday. It is truly amazing how different a read 300 pages is in different books. Obviously, HG is aimed at a younger audience so the reading level is lower, but 375 pages in HG took me a few hours to read and the book before, The Sunne in the Splendor with 936 pages, took me 2 weeks of steady reading (bath times, carpool line, quiet afternoons, and 3 full days). Good book, though- about Richard III and the end of the War of the Roses.
The kids and I also baked cookies, so now I have 2 dozen cinnamon cookies sitting there staring at me willing me to eat them. Carp.
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