There are florists in Los Angeles. I mean, I guess there's a whole bunch of stuff in L.A. but... there are florists in L.A. That was an important key, almost as important as the fact the Hyperion was in L.A. I need both of them. Parking Giles's car outside of the ship, which looked like a big ol' splash of colour between two greyer, duller shops, I got out and hoped I wouldn't get fined for where I was parked. I was bouncy, maybe giddy. I liked going to new places - granted I didn't do that often. Which meant I had to enjoy everything akin to a vacation, even if I wouldn't be here for long. Buffy had still been asleep when I left - she had gotten back way late. So I just through on jeans and a light sweater, and converse shoes I knew Cordelia might hate (but they were real comfy) and snuck out of the room.
Florist. I didn't wanna get anything huge, because that my just embarrass him, and, like, I was only one person. Some of the bouquet's in this place were frickin' big so I steered clear from them - I didn't want to slip a disc or something as humiliating and painful as that. Something simple so he didn't think I was a total spaz. Unfortunately, I was good at being a total spaz. But I didn't go overboard - I decided on the flower that looked like a smaller version of your common sunflower, with reeeeeally yellow petals and a few green leaves. It was pretty, and bright and happy, just what I needed.
Putting that carefully on the passenger seat, I shut the car door and started it up again, looking at the route description Wesley had emailed me. Okay, so, I wasn't very far from the Hyperion. That's good. Placing that back on the dashboard, I went to start Giles car again. After a few splutters and me almost swearing at it, it worked again, and I pulled out and started driving once more. Trying to read the route map and drive in L.A. traffic was... scary. But Wesley had managed to direct me to less busy streets. Still, I did have to yell "Sorry!!" out the window a couple of times when the horns were honked at me. I guess I went too slow or something. Oh, and I almost drove into a one way street, going more towards the wrong way. But... Hyperion. Yay. Parking the car again was a relief. Mucho relief. Slumping against the steering wheel, I groaned, and then lifted by arm to look at my watch. ten minutes passed twelve. That wasn't so bad at all.
Stepping out of the car and remembering to bring Sunny the Flower with me, I walked to find the front entrance of the hotel. Should I knock? It was a really big building. Touching the doorhandle, feeling the cool metal gingerly, I twisted it and nudged open the door, peering into the large foyer. It seemed pretty empty. Stepping inside, I let the door swing shut on its own, thinking it would pretty much be quiet. It wasn't.
Well that was smart. Clearing my throat, and fiddled with the stalk of Sunny the Flower. "Uh... anybody home?" I called, suddenly panicked that this maybe wasn't the Hyperion, what if I had misjudged? What if I wa sin some sort of cult home? And people were gonna pounce out and kill me for ruining their secret? Eep. At least I could give 'em a flower.
The tea was all ready, in fact for some reason I checked it several times just to make sure it was. I had some biscuits from my secret stash, which luckily Cordelia hadn't found yet. She really has to stop eating all my biscuits and then complain about her figure. Honestly.
Checking my watch for the...I've lost count actually, I sat back behind the desk in my office. Tapping the pen against it I glance at my watch again and then jump when I hear the front door slam. Blinking, I glance down at my finger and the pencil nearly in it. That was close.
When I hear a soft voice call out, I grab my cane and make my way out into the lobby. "Willow...err...Miss Rosenberg," I smile at her. she had really matured lot since I've last seen her. Not to mention that she looks quite lovely. She's become a striking woman.
"He-Hello, I'm glad to see you made it. Did you have any trouble finding it? Would-would you like some tea?" Leaning on the cane I walk over to her wondering when I'm going to stop babbling. "Cordelia left only moments ago, but she ordered me not-not to let you leave until she talked to you."
"Wes!" I said as soon as I spotted the man, and I was quickly downm the stairs and towards him. "You were right about the traffic, it was scary but I'm here, with all my limbs and I didn't wreck Giles' car which is a victory on its own I think." I grinned at his comment on Cordy, and wondered where she went, and if there was anyone else around. Angel would be sleeping and I couldn't think of anyone else and the place looked awfully empty and I'm standing there smiling like an idiot with Sunny in my hand. Focus, Willow.
"And here," I said, holding out the sunflower for him to take. "This is for you. A get well present, sorta. I figured it could brighten the place up a bit. I kind of named it Sunny for obvious reasons and oh gosh you have a cane!"
It's true, I hadn't really noticed the walking stick, I was more looking at him to see if he was smiling or not. But I could feel the sympathy rise up and I understood suddenly why he was told to stay at the hotel while the big kids went to play. Guy with a cane is easy prey. Biting my bottom lip, I passed the flower to him and quickly drew him into a hug, a gentle one but still a hug. "Man, that must bite," I said, still with my arms around my shoulders and my chin on his shoulder. Hey. He smells nice. Mmmm.
"For me?" Blinking, I glanced down at the...sunflower that was suddenly in my hands. "Good lord." Looking up confused as she keeps up a steady stream of works, I can't help but nod at whatever it is she's saying.
"Sunny?" She named the flower? Smiling amused at that, I turn around to put it on the desk. I freeze when she mentions the cane. Looking down at it, I can't help but curse it once again. Maybe I should've just leave it in the office from now on, except I wouldn't get very far without it yet. Dammit.
"Thank you very much for the flower," I start, turning around toward her. I'm determent to ignore her remark about the cane, the less the bloody thing is mentioned the better. "Would you like some..."
Surprised, I blink and awkwardly return her hug. What the bloody hell? "Oh...uh..tha-thank you...err..." Oh, marvelous, now I'm blushing again. Wonderful second impression you're making there Pryce, just...
Pulling back, I push up my glasses and give her a shy smile. "Thank you," I say again, not really sure how to react to this. "Would-Would you like some tea?" Oh for, you already asked that you fool. This is going splendidly. "I've not been able to find the book yet. So perhaps later, after lunch you could...uh...he-help."
Ooh, blush. That's... cute. Oz was always unblushable, unflappable, un...everythingable that comes with awkwardness. That was always reassuring, but... this, this was sweet. I had to smile. I'd only hugged the man and he was blushing. See? Every gosh darn one in this place needed a hug, considering how not used to it they were. Well, I think he liked Sunny - he had smiled, at least, and that was definitely worth something, considering the Wesley I'd seen last.
"Tea?" I asked. Ooh, tea. After drinking diet caffiene-free Coca Cola for most of the morning, having skipped breakfast, tea sounded wonderful. And Giles always had a knack for having the good stuff, so I figured Wesley would as well. "Tea would be great," I said with a smile, and I decidedly ignored the cane. It was obvious he didn't like it being brought up all the time.
I stepped passed him and scooped up Sunny. "Here, I'll go put him in a vase or a makeshift vase. Got a glass of water or something?" I asked. I didn't want the flower dying so soon, after all. Turning to him, I wait for an answer, distantly aware I was grinning like a moron. I don't know why I felt happy to be here. Just was.
"A vase? Oh. Oh! Yes, of course in the kitchen. Follow me." Nodding at her, I'm still reeling over the fact that she hugged me. I'm not really sure what to think about that. I mean, I was rather certain she'd be distant even after our phone call. It's not as if there is a lot of love lost between myself and nearly anyone from Sunnydale.
Waving toward the kitchen I walk ahead of her and root around the cupboard. "Bloody hell, where does she keep those things," I mutter. Obviously Cordelia has been going through the kitchen during one of her after vision cleaning binges. I really wish she wouldn't do that. "Ah!" Pulling out a medium one, the only one I can find, I hold it out to her hesitantly. "Will this one do? I'm afraid it's the only one I can find."
Putting it on the kitchen counter, I move toward the tea and pour us both a cup while she busies herself with the flower. "That'll look nicely on my desk." And hopefully I won't damage it while doing research, that would really be ashame. "We can have tea in my office. I've some biscuits there Cordelia and Gunn haven't managed to find yet." Chuckling at that, I smile at her and pick up both of the cups of tea. "If you wouldn't bringing the tea pot?" I'm sure she's going to be careful with it, unlike most everyone else here.
Taking the teapot in hand (wow, I mean, nice change from the box of teabags I tend to keep around, Buffy always got those if I asked her to pick up some tea before, and I have to say I've been guilty of the same thing because hello, American, generation of instant gratification... god, you gotta love the British sometimes), I followed him into the office, makeshift vase in the other hand before I carefully set both items down. Placing the flower away from where arm movements may cause water to spill over important volumes, I sat down in the chair opposite the desk, watching him pour the tea, or orderly and neatly, like Giles. Was that a British thing? The tea pouring and making and drink thereof?
"So Giles didn't tell me much about the book," I said as he handed me my cup. "Which translates into him not knowing much about it. I just know what's in it, kinda, mostly." I brought the cup to my lips, and sip it - actual tea. Nice. Oh, and biscuits. I felt pretty darn 'My Fair Lady' right about then - college student didn't always mean good tea and a moment to just sit and eat biscuits, after all. Taking one, I nibble on it happily,absently resting one hand against the edge of the desk and unconsciously keeping my back straight.
"So were they all okay? Angel and everyone?" I asked, that thought suddenly occuring to me and my mouth moving and talking before I could actually think about that for a second.
Oh right the book, I had almost forgotten about that with all the...hugging and...the flower. I'm still quite flustered from that, though I dearly hope I've been able to cover that. So unbecoming, especially from someone who's supposed to be in charge here.
"Well, we can look for the-the...uh, book later. I think I've a fairly good idea where it can be now." Since I've already looked over all other shelves where it could be, and it wasn't there, it can only be in one or two other places. Sitting down, I pick up my tea and look over at her. Quickly I hide a smile behind the cup at the way she sits in her chair. Does she even know she's doing that?
"Yes, the others were fine as it turned out to be," I nod at her. "In fact they had been late because they went out for Chinese after the fight." And had not thought to ask me along. Of course they thought I had gone home already. "They did bring me back some fortune cookies," I say, trying to keep the small hurt tone out of my voice.
I blinked. They went for Chinese. Huh. "Fortune cookies, eh?" I said more or less to myself. "Huh." And I finished the cookie-- biscuit. Is there a difference between a cookie and a biscuit? Maybe it's that whole American versus English thing again. We may have saved their asses at one stage, but they got the tea thing down. Mm, tea. Taking a sip of it, I knew that in my position, Buffy or Xander would have been hunting down the cream or the sugar by now.
"Well at least they're home and hosed. Or at least, were, seeing as they've kinda left again." Finding a stray paperclip, I absently picked it up and fiddled with it, taking a moment to look around the office. It was just as one would expect Wesley Wyndam-Pryce's office to be. Orderly, but filled. It'd be a fun place to work. Why don't we Scoobies get offices? Same reason we don't get paychecks, I guess, or dental.
Bending the paperclip into a straight piece of wire, and then coiling it around my finger, I frown a bit. "Must get awful lonely around here, huh?"
"Yes, they're...they're home again. And...err...gone. I do believe Angel's upstairs sleeping though. And uh...Cordelia had an..." Frowning for a moment, I look down at my tea. "I think I've already told you she was on an audition didn't I? And Gunn took her there." Well, either way they're gone again and once again I'm stuck in the office.
Putting my cup down, I pour myself a second one. Willow is still sipping her tea, and not slamming it down like some people I know. Once they lower themselves to actually drink tea that is. Watching her bend the paperclip I smile a bit as I'm reminded that she was going to show me how to make a paperclip monster.
"L-lonely? Uh..." Sitting down, I think that over. Is it lonely? I've no idea actually. "Uhm...I don't think so?" I say hesitantly. "I mean...I've my research and books and all." And I do valuable work right? Helping out Angel, Gunn and Cordelia. Who am I kidding, Gunn and Angel are warriors who help out the fair Cordelia and her vision. I'm just the fellow with the books who stays at home.
I gave him a half-smile at that and looked around the room again, nursing the cup of tea carefully between my hands, coiling of paperclip wire around my ring finger. "I get that. Like, sometimes, when I have no papers to write up and Buffy's late coming home, it's like a little party in our dorm, with me and my literature. It can get extra crowded in there with all the letters and pages and ink." I finished off that tangent by shooting him a smile and finishing my cup of tea, moving to pour myself another cup once he had set the teapot down. I felt like I was playing tea party with my dolls, only Wesley wasn't a doll and we were allowed to use real tea and the conversations were a lot more engaging. And the scenery had improved. I blush slightly and busy myself with taking another sip.
"An audition?" I didn't think he mentioned that - then again, my attention span was rivalling a gnat and a gnat only, a gnat that had been dropped on its head as a child. Gant. Funny word. "She's acting still? Oh dear..." I smiled a little skittishly, hoping he wouldn't take offense on behalf of Cordy. But, really... Cordy... acting... it made babies cry and fairies lose their wings.
"You, uh, ever seen any of her work?" I asked uber-innocently, eyes wide and not really suppressing a smirky-grin.
Smiling back at her over the rim of my cup, I quickly sip some more tea to swallow my first retort. Putting the cup down I run a hand through my hair. "I've...seen her act. Though in her defense she can act quite well when the situation calls for it. Just...errr...not for a living." She did manage to get us out of a few tight spots with her acting talents. It would seem a crisis situation brings the best out of Cordelia's acting talents.
Getting up I walk over to the shelf, pushing my glasses up I start to scan the books. "How about we find you that book for Giles now? After that you can show me how to make one of those paper clip monsters," turning around I smile at her a little bit, "like you promised."
Pointing at the shelf next to this one I clear my throat. "Uhm...I've already checked the other two and's not there. So it has to be either on this shelf or that one. If you would be so kinds as to look for it there? I'm sure four eyes see more then one. And you know what you're looking for." Unlike some who only make a mess out of my library.
I had to grin when he mentioned the paperclip monsters. So maybe he didn't think I was a total spaz. Which was cool, because I didn't want him to not like me. Weird, yeah? Because I shouldn't care. I shook my head at myself and took another sip of tea and set it down, standing up and walking over to his little library, I bit down some envy. A mini-library would be great. Giles has one of his own and I always wanted to take it home with me.
Going towards the shelf he directed me to, I pulled out the first book, stroked my fingers down the leathery cover in some fascination. I loved old books. Never know what their life was like. Trying to remember everything that Giles told me about the book, which wasn't a helluva lot, I frowned and opened the pages. "I can't remember what languages its in, but apparently it has a bit of an assortment, there's even some English passages," I said, putting the first book back and pulling out the second. "But it's obscure. And old. And Giles was totally kicking himself when he couldn't remember so much about it. That's all I know, I've never seen it."
I glanced at him apologetically - boy, was I ever putting the man to work. "I know you could be doing other stuff, I bet you have a ton of work to do. So... thanks, a lot," I said, offering a smile.
Listening to Willow I nod and purse my lips. "Hmmm, yes. I know what book you mean now." Nodding at that I walk over to the other shelf and get out a small red book. Looking through it I nod again a smile gracing my lips. "I think it's this one..."
My voice trails off as she mentions that I could be doing a lot of other things. I've been so bored I actually re-organized Cordelia's files. Other then that I've nothing to do but wait for a client and a vision. Since they won't even let me near the weapons to clean them. I wonder what they're afraid of, that I'll accidentally cut my finger off?
"Actually, I'm not busy at all," I tell her softly, my finger trailing down the spine of the book. Mustering up a small smile I look back at her. "Other then research and the odd paperwork, I've nothing much to do." Not that they would let me do anything.
God, I can't wait for the doctors appointment. And isn't that odd. I know they've all gotten scared when I got shot, but really. I'm fine now. Grabbing my cane, I walk back to Willow, holding out the book. "Was this what you're looking for?"
Florist. I didn't wanna get anything huge, because that my just embarrass him, and, like, I was only one person. Some of the bouquet's in this place were frickin' big so I steered clear from them - I didn't want to slip a disc or something as humiliating and painful as that. Something simple so he didn't think I was a total spaz. Unfortunately, I was good at being a total spaz. But I didn't go overboard - I decided on the flower that looked like a smaller version of your common sunflower, with reeeeeally yellow petals and a few green leaves. It was pretty, and bright and happy, just what I needed.
Putting that carefully on the passenger seat, I shut the car door and started it up again, looking at the route description Wesley had emailed me. Okay, so, I wasn't very far from the Hyperion. That's good. Placing that back on the dashboard, I went to start Giles car again. After a few splutters and me almost swearing at it, it worked again, and I pulled out and started driving once more. Trying to read the route map and drive in L.A. traffic was... scary. But Wesley had managed to direct me to less busy streets. Still, I did have to yell "Sorry!!" out the window a couple of times when the horns were honked at me. I guess I went too slow or something. Oh, and I almost drove into a one way street, going more towards the wrong way. But... Hyperion. Yay. Parking the car again was a relief. Mucho relief. Slumping against the steering wheel, I groaned, and then lifted by arm to look at my watch. ten minutes passed twelve. That wasn't so bad at all.
Stepping out of the car and remembering to bring Sunny the Flower with me, I walked to find the front entrance of the hotel. Should I knock? It was a really big building. Touching the doorhandle, feeling the cool metal gingerly, I twisted it and nudged open the door, peering into the large foyer. It seemed pretty empty. Stepping inside, I let the door swing shut on its own, thinking it would pretty much be quiet. It wasn't.
Well that was smart. Clearing my throat, and fiddled with the stalk of Sunny the Flower. "Uh... anybody home?" I called, suddenly panicked that this maybe wasn't the Hyperion, what if I had misjudged? What if I wa sin some sort of cult home? And people were gonna pounce out and kill me for ruining their secret? Eep. At least I could give 'em a flower.
Checking my watch for the...I've lost count actually, I sat back behind the desk in my office. Tapping the pen against it I glance at my watch again and then jump when I hear the front door slam. Blinking, I glance down at my finger and the pencil nearly in it. That was close.
When I hear a soft voice call out, I grab my cane and make my way out into the lobby. "Willow...err...Miss Rosenberg," I smile at her. she had really matured lot since I've last seen her. Not to mention that she looks quite lovely. She's become a striking woman.
"He-Hello, I'm glad to see you made it. Did you have any trouble finding it? Would-would you like some tea?" Leaning on the cane I walk over to her wondering when I'm going to stop babbling. "Cordelia left only moments ago, but she ordered me not-not to let you leave until she talked to you."
"And here," I said, holding out the sunflower for him to take. "This is for you. A get well present, sorta. I figured it could brighten the place up a bit. I kind of named it Sunny for obvious reasons and oh gosh you have a cane!"
It's true, I hadn't really noticed the walking stick, I was more looking at him to see if he was smiling or not. But I could feel the sympathy rise up and I understood suddenly why he was told to stay at the hotel while the big kids went to play. Guy with a cane is easy prey. Biting my bottom lip, I passed the flower to him and quickly drew him into a hug, a gentle one but still a hug. "Man, that must bite," I said, still with my arms around my shoulders and my chin on his shoulder. Hey. He smells nice. Mmmm.
"Sunny?" She named the flower? Smiling amused at that, I turn around to put it on the desk. I freeze when she mentions the cane. Looking down at it, I can't help but curse it once again. Maybe I should've just leave it in the office from now on, except I wouldn't get very far without it yet. Dammit.
"Thank you very much for the flower," I start, turning around toward her. I'm determent to ignore her remark about the cane, the less the bloody thing is mentioned the better. "Would you like some..."
Surprised, I blink and awkwardly return her hug. What the bloody hell? "Oh...uh..tha-thank you...err..." Oh, marvelous, now I'm blushing again. Wonderful second impression you're making there Pryce, just...
Pulling back, I push up my glasses and give her a shy smile. "Thank you," I say again, not really sure how to react to this. "Would-Would you like some tea?" Oh for, you already asked that you fool. This is going splendidly. "I've not been able to find the book yet. So perhaps later, after lunch you could...uh...he-help."
"Tea?" I asked. Ooh, tea. After drinking diet caffiene-free Coca Cola for most of the morning, having skipped breakfast, tea sounded wonderful. And Giles always had a knack for having the good stuff, so I figured Wesley would as well. "Tea would be great," I said with a smile, and I decidedly ignored the cane. It was obvious he didn't like it being brought up all the time.
I stepped passed him and scooped up Sunny. "Here, I'll go put him in a vase or a makeshift vase. Got a glass of water or something?" I asked. I didn't want the flower dying so soon, after all. Turning to him, I wait for an answer, distantly aware I was grinning like a moron. I don't know why I felt happy to be here. Just was.
Waving toward the kitchen I walk ahead of her and root around the cupboard. "Bloody hell, where does she keep those things," I mutter. Obviously Cordelia has been going through the kitchen during one of her after vision cleaning binges. I really wish she wouldn't do that. "Ah!" Pulling out a medium one, the only one I can find, I hold it out to her hesitantly. "Will this one do? I'm afraid it's the only one I can find."
Putting it on the kitchen counter, I move toward the tea and pour us both a cup while she busies herself with the flower. "That'll look nicely on my desk." And hopefully I won't damage it while doing research, that would really be ashame. "We can have tea in my office. I've some biscuits there Cordelia and Gunn haven't managed to find yet." Chuckling at that, I smile at her and pick up both of the cups of tea. "If you wouldn't bringing the tea pot?" I'm sure she's going to be careful with it, unlike most everyone else here.
"So Giles didn't tell me much about the book," I said as he handed me my cup. "Which translates into him not knowing much about it. I just know what's in it, kinda, mostly." I brought the cup to my lips, and sip it - actual tea. Nice. Oh, and biscuits. I felt pretty darn 'My Fair Lady' right about then - college student didn't always mean good tea and a moment to just sit and eat biscuits, after all. Taking one, I nibble on it happily,absently resting one hand against the edge of the desk and unconsciously keeping my back straight.
"So were they all okay? Angel and everyone?" I asked, that thought suddenly occuring to me and my mouth moving and talking before I could actually think about that for a second.
"Well, we can look for the-the...uh, book later. I think I've a fairly good idea where it can be now." Since I've already looked over all other shelves where it could be, and it wasn't there, it can only be in one or two other places. Sitting down, I pick up my tea and look over at her. Quickly I hide a smile behind the cup at the way she sits in her chair. Does she even know she's doing that?
"Yes, the others were fine as it turned out to be," I nod at her. "In fact they had been late because they went out for Chinese after the fight." And had not thought to ask me along. Of course they thought I had gone home already. "They did bring me back some fortune cookies," I say, trying to keep the small hurt tone out of my voice.
"Well at least they're home and hosed. Or at least, were, seeing as they've kinda left again." Finding a stray paperclip, I absently picked it up and fiddled with it, taking a moment to look around the office. It was just as one would expect Wesley Wyndam-Pryce's office to be. Orderly, but filled. It'd be a fun place to work. Why don't we Scoobies get offices? Same reason we don't get paychecks, I guess, or dental.
Bending the paperclip into a straight piece of wire, and then coiling it around my finger, I frown a bit. "Must get awful lonely around here, huh?"
Putting my cup down, I pour myself a second one. Willow is still sipping her tea, and not slamming it down like some people I know. Once they lower themselves to actually drink tea that is. Watching her bend the paperclip I smile a bit as I'm reminded that she was going to show me how to make a paperclip monster.
"L-lonely? Uh..." Sitting down, I think that over. Is it lonely? I've no idea actually. "Uhm...I don't think so?" I say hesitantly. "I mean...I've my research and books and all." And I do valuable work right? Helping out Angel, Gunn and Cordelia. Who am I kidding, Gunn and Angel are warriors who help out the fair Cordelia and her vision. I'm just the fellow with the books who stays at home.
"An audition?" I didn't think he mentioned that - then again, my attention span was rivalling a gnat and a gnat only, a gnat that had been dropped on its head as a child. Gant. Funny word. "She's acting still? Oh dear..." I smiled a little skittishly, hoping he wouldn't take offense on behalf of Cordy. But, really... Cordy... acting... it made babies cry and fairies lose their wings.
"You, uh, ever seen any of her work?" I asked uber-innocently, eyes wide and not really suppressing a smirky-grin.
Getting up I walk over to the shelf, pushing my glasses up I start to scan the books. "How about we find you that book for Giles now? After that you can show me how to make one of those paper clip monsters," turning around I smile at her a little bit, "like you promised."
Pointing at the shelf next to this one I clear my throat. "Uhm...I've already checked the other two and's not there. So it has to be either on this shelf or that one. If you would be so kinds as to look for it there? I'm sure four eyes see more then one. And you know what you're looking for." Unlike some who only make a mess out of my library.
Going towards the shelf he directed me to, I pulled out the first book, stroked my fingers down the leathery cover in some fascination. I loved old books. Never know what their life was like. Trying to remember everything that Giles told me about the book, which wasn't a helluva lot, I frowned and opened the pages. "I can't remember what languages its in, but apparently it has a bit of an assortment, there's even some English passages," I said, putting the first book back and pulling out the second. "But it's obscure. And old. And Giles was totally kicking himself when he couldn't remember so much about it. That's all I know, I've never seen it."
I glanced at him apologetically - boy, was I ever putting the man to work. "I know you could be doing other stuff, I bet you have a ton of work to do. So... thanks, a lot," I said, offering a smile.
My voice trails off as she mentions that I could be doing a lot of other things. I've been so bored I actually re-organized Cordelia's files. Other then that I've nothing to do but wait for a client and a vision. Since they won't even let me near the weapons to clean them. I wonder what they're afraid of, that I'll accidentally cut my finger off?
"Actually, I'm not busy at all," I tell her softly, my finger trailing down the spine of the book. Mustering up a small smile I look back at her. "Other then research and the odd paperwork, I've nothing much to do." Not that they would let me do anything.
God, I can't wait for the doctors appointment. And isn't that odd. I know they've all gotten scared when I got shot, but really. I'm fine now. Grabbing my cane, I walk back to Willow, holding out the book. "Was this what you're looking for?"
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