There are florists in Los Angeles. I mean, I guess there's a whole bunch of stuff in L.A. but... there are florists in L.A. That was an important key, almost as important as the fact the Hyperion was in L.A. I need both of them. Parking Giles's car outside of the ship, which looked like a big ol' splash of colour between two greyer, duller shops, I got out and hoped I wouldn't get fined for where I was parked. I was bouncy, maybe giddy. I liked going to new places - granted I didn't do that often. Which meant I had to enjoy everything akin to a vacation, even if I wouldn't be here for long. Buffy had still been asleep when I left - she had gotten back way late. So I just through on jeans and a light sweater, and converse shoes I knew Cordelia might hate (but they were real comfy) and snuck out of the room
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The tea was all ready, in fact for some reason I checked it several times just to make sure it was. I had some biscuits from my secret stash, which luckily Cordelia hadn't found yet. She really has to stop eating all my biscuits and then complain about her figure. Honestly
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"Wes!" I said as soon as I spotted the man, and I was quickly downm the stairs and towards him. "You were right about the traffic, it was scary but I'm here, with all my limbs and I didn't wreck Giles' car which is a victory on its own I think." I grinned at his comment on Cordy, and wondered where she went, and if there was anyone else around. Angel would be sleeping and I couldn't think of anyone else and the place looked awfully empty and I'm standing there smiling like an idiot with Sunny in my hand. Focus, Willow
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"For me?" Blinking, I glanced down at the...sunflower that was suddenly in my hands. "Good lord." Looking up confused as she keeps up a steady stream of works, I can't help but nod at whatever it is she's saying
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I winced. Right, yeah, bored Wesley, injured Wesley, treated like he was handicapped. Shoulda remembered that one, darnit. I manage a sympathetic look, before taking the book handed to me, and opening it carefully, eyes tearing from his to study the script. I gently leafed through the paper, knowing it was old, checking to see if Giles's description matched it. Some English, some African words printed in English and Latin wording, some demonic phrases... yup, looked like it. I nodded and looked up at him with a smile, automatically hugging the book loosely to myself. "Yeah, looks like you struck gold," I said. "Wesley, the book man, to the rescue," I added with a little gesture, punching through the air lazily before folding that arm again. "Thanks a bunch
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"Yes, that's me. The book...guy." Giving her a little smile, I sit back down and sigh. Isn't that the truth, Wesley the bookguy. And Ever since Gunn joined us Angel would rather have him at his side in a fight then bumbling Wesley. Which is odd, considering I'm the boss around here. I guess it's just a title after all. It was fun while it lasted but Angel certainly has the say when it comes to how to handle the visions
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I almost jumped my own height at the sound of Angel's voice, but I managed not to go into a babbling tangent. "Angel, you scared me, you with the sneaking, I guess it's hard for you not to do, seeing you're a vampy and all, which you kinda already know..." So much for not going into a tangent. I shut up and just smiled nervously and waved slightly - as usual, he had the 'I have little to no patience with you, but you're sweet so I'll be polite' look going on, so I just bit my bottom lip and listened to the other two, noticing suddenly that I still had the bright red paperclip wrapped around my finger like some spazzy ring. Eep. I quickly unwound it nervously, looking up when my name was said. 'Miss Rosenberg.' I smiled at that. I'd have to knock the habit out of Wes, but it was nice nevertheless
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"Hi Anton," I greeted, taking one of the hotdogs, stomach grumbling again, not hesitating to remind me of my usual bottomless pit attitude to junk food. Not as much as, say, Xander or Dawn, but I'm pretty good at downing a couple of burgers when I want to. "Call me Willow," I added, nudging Wesley's ankle with the toe of my shoe, as if to remind him as well as correcting the other man. "And ohh, I'm not essential to any kinda cause, I'm just a booknerd." That having said, I took a bite. Wesley was right - very good hotdogs
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"Oh no, no," I say, reaching out to stop her from pulling out the wallet any further. For goodness sake, she's a student and doesn't really have enough money as it is. I on the other hand have job, a bad paying one, but a job none the less. "It's on me, Miss Rosen- Willow." I smile over at her, reaching into my pocket to get my own wallet
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I quickly took the extra hotdog for me before the whole lot, hotdog and cane alike, went crashing down and got bits of dirt and grass stuck to it. Unhygenic. I had to grin at what Anton said, that thing about Wesley smiling. That was kinda neat. More than neat. Nifty. Why? I had no clue. Maybe it was just getting a free hotdog. Almost done with my first hotdog, I took a big bite to finish it and looked at Wes, nodding, managing not to attempt to talk through a mouthful of sausage and bread and sauces. Swallowing finally, I found a proper answer to that. "Yup." Wow, riveting
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Walking along side her, I enjoy being outside. The sun on my face, the semi fresh air, the laughter around me. I've really missed this. And Cordelia is going to give Angel hell for letting me 'go out on my own'. And after that it'll probably be my turn. I'm going to draw the line when she starts to attack Willow though
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