This fluff meme prompt. the crack/fluff potential is awesome. I tried to write Sam/kum superhero fic forever and a day ago. But it didn't work out.
And this one. I don't know if I could pull it off tho.
I've seen this on both the Sam/Kurt meme and fluff meme.4.
lol Mike Chang as a slash fanboy makes me giggle. I'm not crazy about Tike after 2x12 and 2x13, but it's still cute. done
5. Two Sequels to the Tuesdays Fic cancelled
6. Finn/Sam/Rachel Motel Friendship with Finn/Rachel UST on the side. cancelled
7. ASOIAF-Catelyn/Ayra/Sansa mother-daughter.
8. Little Women- Amy/Jo sister, concentrating on Amy's feelings of inferiority to Jo.
I have some of the second Tuesday fic done, and the Finn/Sam/Rachel one will probably be written this week. I'm also planning some drabbles for 30 days of Kum on Tumblr.
Taking ideas from the first Tuesday fic and the Sinnchel fic, and writing a different type of dates fic about Sam living with the Humsons. May write the other Tuesday fic as a stand alone someday.