I was just sitting at one of WrA's most popular RP events, a Club in Dalaran on my Shaman when I noticed this delectable jewel. I noticed her first, mainly because of the dress, I liked how it looked on draenei. I watched a NE go up to her, they talked a bit. Her typing was very awkward, as if she was attempting to do an accent of some type, but it wasn't coming out well at all.
He asked her to dance, and she said no, she was pregnant and couldn't. He said okay, well if you change your mind I'll be over there. And immediately followed him over there, and /danced for about 2 hours. But I leave to you, her RSP. Enjoy, don't die, have fun.
For those of you who can't read the text (as I've noticed it is very small, here's a copy and paste:
Kaala is a very Powerful shaman of the dark side of the Elemental scales were Normal shamans use balance of all elements kaala uses an unbalance pattern that only she can use like no other shaman could. Kaala also can not die from a normal Stabe to the heart or other things but Kaala CAN die but its very very very hard please respected that.
Aura flow around her body un like a normal Death Knight. When you see her in Lighting armor you will NOT know her unless you know her well.
Blood=Red=Warm aura
Frost=Blue=Cold aura
Unholy=Green= mix Aura
Class: Dark shaman
Face tencales: she Wears two rings on her tenchales one on each one each ring holds the Symbole of the Elaments Fire water earth wind the rings are made of Pure Gold.
tail: she wears a small Brace made out of Stroung matel as a bound she has with her fallen Husbend the Brace can not be broken or removed as for she welded it closed to honor her husbend.
1-lower body: Her leg's are Strong and sexy as she keeps them farly nice her ass is nice and tight as well as rounded she has no scares any were on her legs. Her Waist is very cervy and very fit as for the rest of her body is.
2- torso: Her Bosums are fairly big then the normal Draenei's her hips are farly big and round as her tail nicely thin but well taken care of.
3 upper body: Her chest is fairly in shap as her arms shows she is stronger then the normal draenei. Her shoulders are evenly apart like a normal draenei but you can see that her shoulders are just as built as her chest and arms are.
4-face: Her face is that of an young adult she looks like she is younger then she really is. Her lips are dark Blue Color. Her horns very softly Filed and taken care of as there is no Chips or Nicks at any place of her Horns.
5-Hair: Her hair is the softest silkyest hair around as it is so softed and Smooth with a dark but warm purple color given off it.
6-Eyes: Her eyes are Differnt she can Change them from a frost like aura to a lighting like aura and a normal death knight aura in her eyes or change them to normal Draenei eyes she always had.
Tattoo: An Marking of a Draenei noble family Symbol imprinted on the back of her body as a sign and name of her Noble house and family of the Shamans and warriors.
Personalty: Sweet loving lady who always like to see respected showen as well as given around her. She always like to smile and enjoye as much as she can. she some times get over raged when she cant control her Emoshions well enough to a point were she does anything to save or protected the people she loves.
Voice: Kaala has two typs of Voices Her normal none Death knight voice is softed like a red rose Flower and sweet then the Candy treats as it would Calm even the bigest of hot headed people around.
As for her dark deep shalow Voice she really uses it when she is rather pissed or need to show her Domanting Tone her Voice Sounds like two in once as it brings Bone chilling Coldness into your body just by hearing it alone.
1:Shaman Abiltys (twisted dark like elements)
2:instented regenerasion
3:Element Blessing
Her title btw, is "Tanted Shaman"