Moon Guard Returns!

Jul 24, 2011 18:44

Moon Guard has been getting no love lately. I'm here to change that, at least for a bit. Went scanning through my screenshots folder and found some fun ones. Only going to place a few here for now... I have over 200. Apologies for any repeats!

I actually have to admit this is the first mermaid I've seen in WoW. Though I'm pegging her more as a Siren than a Mer.... eh, whatever. She's not a Naga. I'd almost prefer the Naga. Almost.

I actually don't mind half-breeds. It might be because my main is a Night Elf who bred with a Human and now has a nearly three year old toddler (that took four years to conceive!), or it might be because I've actually managed to run into the -good- half-breed players.

This is not one of them. Yes, she looks just like her model. A night elf. Theeeen I saw the second page. When will people learn!? -No- elf would have been with a human 400 years ago, let alone in Teldrassil.

I'd worry less about where the Quel'dorei are coming from, and more about this infestation of "Kal'dorei."

I lost the second page to this one. She, too, was born on Teldrassil. Also... '36-24-36'? Only if you're 5'3".

This one should sound awfully familiar. I might be wrong, but the syntax and disclaimers at the bottom really, really make me feel as though this is exactly who I think it is. Speaking of those disclaimers... How hard is it to say "I prefer story-based ERP, but I'm not adverse to random ERP at proper times. Ani is a Domme as I am in real life, and we both take the play seriously. If that's not your cup of tea, then we're not compatible."

By the way, guys? The ring is gorgeous. Really.

* 'Gilnean' is not a race. 'Gilnean' is not a race. A 'Gilnean' is simply someone who resides/resided in the human nation and kingdom of Gilneas. IT IS NOT A LIGHT-DAMNED RACE. A man from Gilneas is no less human than a man from Lordaeron, or Westfall, or Stormwind. Unless they are Worgen. Then they are not human. They are Worgen.

* Cured Gilnean. Why not just put your race as human, then? It's not as fancy sounding? A pox on you -and- your fancy. /monocle. On that note, my Worgen would more than likely kill you for being both pathetic for not standing beside your other cursed brethren, and for not getting your 'cure' out en masse. What is with all these worgen who aren't worgen? Why even -roll- a damned worgen? And why does this tick me off more than the "Not a DK" DK's?

* Lore rules of magic? Magic is powerful. Magic is corrupting. Magic is addictive. Magic attracts the Twisting Nether like flies to honey. The four laws of magic. Unfortunately, this is all in the RPG books which were recently regarded as non-canon, so I can't think of what he means.

* I like how, if a person doesn't state they dislike a certain type of RP, he says it more than likely will go that route. I despise fluff and rainbow RP, where the bunnies feed unicorns carrots, and everyone is high on candy corn. Let's do this!

* Law of magic number two, dear. Magic corrupts the soul. I doubt you've got much moral standard after years of playing with magic, nor would your complexion be all spiffy after using magic that corrupts the body and -ages- you before your time. But really, that's a nitpick.

* You were -six- when you picked up 'fel arcane'? I take it back, I'm not nitpicking. I'm calling bullcrap.

* Hydromancy =/= Cryomancy. Or perhaps they're the same thing? Nope! I looked it up. One is a frost mage, the other is essentially a water divinist. Diviner? A person who makes prophecies based on water ripples and color and... yeah. Actually, that'd be kinda cool.

* I've always associated blinking a lot with, you know, something in your eyes. Like tears. I can imagine it now. So angry he cries...

* Not touching the demon.

* Not -even- touching the Medivh rip-off.

* Why do I care about your age in real life, your sexuality, and what your wife will do to someone who you will likely never see if you're a loving husband, which you make no note of at all here, instead making your wife look like a jealous tyrant? If you have a fight, does that change to "Status: Sleeping on the couch. Sexuality: My hand."?

You know, this one just speaks for itself. All over itself. What is this, I don't even. I don't have anything left for this one, and it's my favorite!

I may have missed a couple tags. I think I got them all... I think...

blatant erper, night elf, moon guard is made of fail, kewl scars, demon posession, lore-crushing, yer doin it wrong, flagrsp, not a worgen, highbourne, magically retarded, kewl tats, lolwhut, half-elf, worgen, theme song

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