I was just sitting at one of WrA's most popular RP events, a Club in Dalaran on my Shaman when I noticed this delectable jewel. I noticed her first, mainly because of the dress, I liked how it looked on draenei. I watched a NE go up to her, they talked a bit. Her typing was very awkward, as if she was attempting to do an accent of some type, but
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Comments 23
...I'd also like to know how pregnant=no dancing. I mean, if you're far enough along that you can't at least work up a little shimmy, what the hell are you doing at a club in the first place? Maybe I'm missing some context?
Maybe you would have more success if you cut off her tencales or tenchales, though [I assume that is Draenei for arms and legs].
Seriously, she adds past tense to almost everything...
2:instented regenerasion
Oh man.
But yes, she is... terrible.
An overwhelming part of me hopes it's satire, but there is another part that is pretty damn sure this is legitimately someone trying to RP.
I try not to listen to that part, because it scares me too much.
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