I've decided that my Dorf needed some love and set myself to leveling her. As I closed out my gaming for the night, I hearthed to Stormwind and found myself in the middle of what seemed to be an emo pissing contest between a Mary Sue and a Gary Stu.
First- the flags in question.
1. lol Japacheese
2. Get your Pern the fuck out of my WoW.
3. lol "rare" Albino drake. Those are a dime a dozen, dear.
4. "Timebender"? Why not saddle yourself with the surname "SuperSpecialAwesome!" while you're at it.
1. He "shimmers"? Oh my Elune, it's a Sparklepire, gun it down!!
2. Jesus FUCK how many nicknames/theme songs/superkewl weapons/awesome "project whatever the fuck/A.C.R.O.N.Y.M" clubs does he need?
3. "Single, cause yeah..." No one gives a shit. Seriously, this is your character's backstory, not his Facebook personals.
4. Mechanical eye. No, just... no. I'm pretty sure we don't even have dental health in WoW, much less the ability to have mechanical arms like Edward Elric, much MUCH less fully functioning mechanical eyes. There's a reason we have eye patches, people!
Finally, a few snips of what I hearthed into the middle of-
Now I know what Louis Griffin feels like.