(no subject)

Dec 01, 2012 14:00

Opened LJ update page, exclaimed JESUS CHRIST out loud, clicked the switch to old version button as fast as was humanly possible. LJ, are you okay? Are you drunk? Because I'm pretty sure only drunk people think massive buttons lined massively in blue are a good thing.

But I digress.

Sooooo SPN. Jesus fucking christ, I hated everything about that episode EXCEPT THE UNCEASING HINTS THAT SAM DREAMED UP HIS WHOLE AMELIA LOVE NEST??? Yes plz yes plz yes plz, etc. I mean, we're not imaging that, right? That was some pretty unrelenting Sam Is A Crazy implications, right?

Although now the joy has faded and my general distrust of this show and the likelihood it will give me good things has returned, I'm wondering if maybe the writers were going for more of a metaphorical thing. Like, Sam was living in a fantasy world... because he just wasn't facing up to the fact that he is a hunter who should be hunting. Anvilly parallels with psychic hunter guy just because they were both running away from their duties. etc. Yknow, metaphors.

Of course, if it was just a metaphorical thing and the Amelia love nest really is real, then presumably that means the stupid fucking glowy glowy lighting of Sam's memories is just ambiance rather than hallucination, and that's terrible.

That fucking lighting. That stupid fucking lighting.

Anyway, Saaaam. Saaaaaaaaam. Boy I sure do hope you're crazy and you just spent four months sitting in the dark somewhere possibly twitching and rubbing your hand scar. NO GOOD THINGS FOR YOU, SAM WINCHESTER.

Ignore the rest of the episode.

(Actually, no, wait, one thing bugged me so much that even after ranting at theoret about it I need to rant A LITTLE MORE: FUCKING PSYCHIC OLD HUNTER FROM THEIR PAST DUDE. I mean, no offence to the guy, he seemed like a cool enough character and I always enjoy more of the hunting community, but... FUCKING TELEKINETIC ABILITIES? NO. NO ONLY SAM IS ALLOWED TO MOVE THINGS WITH HIS BRAIN. IF HE CAN'T DO IT, NOONE CAN.

A) if Sam and Dean had known a psychic growing up, a MOVES THINGS WITH HIS BRAIN psychic, then they wouldn't have been so freaked out by Sam's developing psychic powers in S1 and I know the writers seem to pretend S1 didn't happen BUT DAMMIT IT HAPPENED. STARTING POINT OF THE WHOLE SHOW. PEBBLE OF PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENTS AND SEARCHING FOR DAD THAT STARTED THIS EIGHT YEARS OF LANDSLIDES. FFFF.

B) just generally introducing a psychic character and reintroducing the existence of psychic powers into this show, sob. If old dude can have legit non-demon-blood-induced psychic powers, then why can't Saaaaam? Way to rub salt in my five year old wounds. It's like they're doing it on purpose, I swear.

Basically the reason I added SPN to my to-watch list in the first place was because I knew one of the characters had psychic powers. No, I will never let go of my bitterness re that dropped plotline.




psychic!sam tag, episode reaction: spn, tv: supernatural, lj wut ru doin, the tragedy of sam winchester's life

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