the 2000's called, they want your obsession back?

Jul 08, 2011 00:06

On the one hand, I spent my day languishing woozily in a variety of horizontal positions.

On the other, I filled said languishing with a HARRY POTTER BOOKATHON. Oh my god. I'm halfway through PoA now and I just. I just. My heart. I've not read the early books since, yknow, secondary school. I'd forgotten how much of a sarky little git Harry was right from the start! I had forgotten how bloody FUNNY they are (I have to bite my lip to keep from irl loling at half of Fred and George's escapades.) I had forgotten how much I legit adore Harry. I HAD FORGOTTEN ABOUT MY BRIEF BUT INTENSE HARRY/SNAPE PHASE LOL OH.

I had even forgotten about things like Harry speaking Parseltongue and everyone thinking he was Slytherin's heir and the great Crookshanks vs Scabbers showdowns and just. I love Harry Potter so much. brb getting all sentimental all over the Harry Potter doll I'm sure I still have somewhere.

(oh my god if I really do still have it somewhere I'm taking it to DH pt2 with me. sorry authorial, except in a not really kind of way.)

But um um um seriously folks, I need your help. By which I mean

I need Remus/Sirius recs

I need them Maruaders era, I need them flatsharing and being baby Harry's big gay godfathers, I need AUs where Sirius doesn't go to Azkaban, I need AUs where he doesn't die, I need them being reunited in PoA, I need them being tragic in Grimmauld Place.

Never in my life have I needed anything more. My HP fandom time was pre-LJ for me, so idek where to go for the good stuff now. Hell, 90% of my R/S reading was on FF.N so for all I know I wasn't even reading the good stuff when I was in the fandom.

I am so pleased with myself for retaining my personal mental images of the Marauders despite the films. Sorry Thewlis and Oldman, but you are never going to be mine.

Everything is Sirius Black and nothing hurts, basically.

goddammit ilu, i laughed and cried, asdjfsklsd, you are my favourite, plz send help, *_*, fan: harry potter, *hands*, fangirlish glee, ship: remus/sirius, hopeless romance

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