I can't live if living is without Hogwarts

Jul 16, 2011 18:51

HELLO INTERNET, HELLO, I have had what I believe is technically known as a 'best week ever.' Last weekend, lazy_daze, persuna and theoret came over to shake and cry over Sam Winchester (POSSIBLY AM NOT 100% DONE WITH SPN AFTER ALL. DAMMIT.) and also decorate fairycakes dementedly.

Everything red is demon blood. Everything that is an uncertain, pink blob is probably a failed attempted at a cock cake.

Then on Wednesday theoret and I voyaged into London to stay with her gran for a few days in order to see OUR ONE TRUE LOVE KE$HA. Spoilers: it was trashy and amazing and covered in glitter. Also we got lost in Harrods, got sucked into the delightful tourist trap that is the Sherlock Holmes Museum - from when I bought the best mug ever - and made pilgrimage to the nerd mecca that is Forbidden Planet.

THEN yesterday I sallied forth to stay with authorial for a 10pm showing of HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART TWO AKA THE CULMINATION OF MY CHILDHOOD AKA OH MY GOD I WAITED OVER HALF MY LIFE FOR THIS WHAT DO I DO NOW. authorial and I met ten years ago via a preteen obsession with Harry Potter, newsround and bad Harry/Draco fanfic, and we missed going to the release of book seven together thanks to an infamously torrential downpour that flooded every train station ever, so by the end credits we were basically weeping into each other's shoulders from all the emotional emotions. But in a good way.

The other week I had a conversation on twitter (with karabou I think??) about people clapping in cinemas, which I said I'd never experienced and which I must now take back with a vengeance. Everyone in the screening was clapping and gasping and cheering and shaking and crying, MYSELF INCLUDED (totes threw hands in air and whooped when Ron and Hermione snogged), and it was the best film-viewing experience I have ever had :')

Some other day I will make a proper, spoilery post about the film, but right now I am so bloody exhausted Imma go have a cup of Sherlock Holmes tea and catch up with the latest episode of Cabin Pressure.

P.S. even now it's all over, the biggest regret of my life is still not auditioning for Hermione back in the day. I'll never let go, Jack.

i was a nineties child, i laughed and cried, authorial is the shizz, my theo tag is not witty, fan: harry potter, sam winchester needs a hug, i wish i knew how to quit you, emotional emotions

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