and I'm neutral on pina coladas

Jul 03, 2011 17:46

So it's once again about nineteen months since I last did that 'sharing of vital information' meme and seeing as things have changed so bloody much in said nineteenth months, it is TIME FOR A MEME RESURRECTION.

Here is, for reference/compare'n'contrast, the first and second time I did it.

1. First Name: Tree, for the purposes of this exercise. It’s a lot cooler than my real name, anyway.

2. Age: 22

3. Location: Swindon, Wiltshire. It was unofficially twinned with Disney World, making it perhaps the second happiest place on Earth? (Though I fear the twinning was only for a year. Is it better to have been twinned with Disney World and lost or to have never been twinned with Disney World at all?)

4. Occupation: Officially unemployed, shit! I only left uni a couple of weeks ago to be fair. To be even fairier, I am filling out this meme in one document and writing my CV specifically to apply for a job in another, so I’m not quite post-student layabout yet.

5. Partner: None. I had an epic crush on Male BFF the last time I filled this meme out, and I still kinda too. So now it’s not even just will they/won’t they, but the even more perplexing do I/don’t I.

6. Kids: Still childless. Still beaming sappily at ever baby that crosses my path.

7. Brothers/Sisters: One brother, Steve, now 23 but soon to be 24. Since last writing this meme, he has got a job and moved out! So now we see him even less than we did when he lived at home, but he’s getting better at remembering he has a family. Also, he gives the best birthday/Christmas presents.

8. Pets: Still not a sausage :( I miss my landlady’s cat.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:

LOL WELL I am basically at the most uncertain period of my life right now, so bear with me.

i. I’m a GRADUATE! Almost. Really bloody frustratingly, my uni decided this year to move the graduation ceremonies to September. So really I am just a graduant, which just plain does not roll off the tongue. I find myself missing structured education and I really find myself missing having my belongings split between two locations. It was a lot easier to find shelf-space.

ii. I’m JOBHUNTING! Almost. I mean, I am currently in the process of revamping my CV and writing a shiny, shiny cover letter and sending it off to an amazing job in London that seems so perfect for me it is practically my spirit animal. But other than that, it’s been pretty slim-pickings. Hooray for the plight of an English degree. Overqualified for retail, bloody useless for everything else.

iii. I’m GOING TO DO AN MA! In a couple of years. Perhaps. I’ve got my eye on a Creative Writing MA at Oxford, which again reads so perfect for me it’s my spirit animal, but a) 14/15 places and 150~ applicants, and b) how the eff am I to afford such things I am already what, £30k, £40k? In debt.

iv. I NO LONGER LIVE A FIVE HOUR TRAIN RIDE AWAY FROM THE REST OF THE WORLD YAY. And by the rest of the world I mean the parts of Britain that aren’t Cornwall. I mean, it is still going to be bloody expensive to get around, thanks to my town just having incredibly steep train fares, but at least now it’s a possibility.

v. Fandom. Always and forever, at this rate. Last time I did this meme, I was still all about the SPN/CWRPS. This time we are in the midst of a months’ long bitter divorce where sometimes I want nothing to do with it ever again and sometimes I accidentally slip and fall into Sam Winchester’s eyes. Thankfully I now have the rather unwieldy conglomeration of Marvel/DC/Sherlock Holmes/BBC Sherlock/Benedicterbatch to hold me gently and love me right.

10. Parents: I have still have a mum called Mum and I still have a dad called Dad. And of course I still have a bit of a complex over how they met when she was 18 and he 20 (OH GOD NOW I’M OLDER THAN BOTH OF THEM. FOREVER ALOOONE ;_;) They are pretty excellent people, even if my dad is currently obsessed with trying to get me married off. Man or woman, he insists, he just doesn’t care so long as it means I’m out of his hair!

Please note: he is mostly joking. Though we do currently have a £1 bet on over when I will officially move out for a good.

11. Who are some of your closest friends? IRL it’s barthi (who I’ve not seen in a while, sob) and Male BFF (who I saw on Tuesday and it was as EMOTIONALLY CONFUSING AS EVER.) On the internet, there’s authorial who I’m going to see the final HP movie and get HP tattoos with in just under a fortnight and theoret who I’m going to see Ke$ha with in more under a fortnight and so many of you lot who I’ve been hopelessly neglecting thanks to that awful three year combo of degree and distance :( COME HERE, COME HERE, WRAP YOUR ARMS AROUND YOUR MONITOR, WE’RE HAVING AN INTERNET GROUP HUG.

rl: (un)employment, rl: my ridiculous degree, rl: family, rl (it happens sometimes), rl: my ridiculous graduation, meme, procrastination viking

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