(no subject)

Aug 09, 2010 21:00

HELLO INTERNET. And, uh... goodbye internet. I have been busy busy busy and the rest of this week is only going to be busier. Quick rundown: FRIDAY, minded my younger cousin whilst my aunt was moving house (again), 1-10pm, introduced her to cat videos and cat yodelling on youtube - SUCCESS! SATURDAY, went to London with my mum, visited John Soane's Museum at laulan's recommendation (IT WAS AWESOME) and then went to the Tate Modern to worship at the altar of art, have a new favourite now:

Stromboli, Victor Pasmore. x100 more beautiful in person.

SUNDAY-MONDAY, went to stay with theoret to watch an excellent combination of awful films and awesome TV. Step Up 3D and 2 Fast, 2 Furious! Batman: the Animated Series and Sherlock! (SHERLOCK!!!! Will make reaction post later. Theo bruised me, she was flailing so hard at the end of the episode.) Also, we got high with her brother and ate terrible, terrible food. Breakfast this morning was wheatabix, crisps, haribo and chocolate covered raisins. Lunch was Ben & Jerry's. NOTHING BUT BEN & JERRY'S.

So that's what you've missed of my life. COMING UP: I'm minding my cousin again on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday as aunt will be going back to work post-house move and it's still the summer hols for my cousin. It is going to be so exhausting oh dear god. (please be sunny so I can take her to the park 'til she wears herself out, please be sunny so I can take her to the park 'til she wears herself out...) Wednesday, MY DAY OF REST, is going to be spent writing the Sherlock fic that has filled my ENTIRE SOUL AND BEING since watching the ep last night.

Then this weekend my parents are going camping and I am going to lie down and never get up again.

tv: sherlock bbc, rl: family, my theo tag is not witty, sleep is for the weak, rl: babysitting shenanigans

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