
Aug 05, 2010 10:32

I think most people kinda already knew this, but now it seems to have been officially announced that Ostroff wants SPN to continue past S6. "Everybody on the show feels there's a lot of juice left in the characters. We hope it goes on for more than one season." - Dawn Ostroff quoted on Entertainment Weekly

Welp. Honestly unless it really blows me away and hooks me back in, I've already decided I'm not going to watch beyond S6. I don't want to sit through two more years of this bullshit! I don't quite know yet if I want to sit through one more year of said bullshit. I'm going to be taking S6 one episode at a time.

I guess that's something to be said for S4 and 5 - it's done a very good job of cutting a buttload of my emotional ties. Go team latter seasons! Without you guys, it would be so hard and painful to quit S6 if it sucks!


BREAKING NEWS barthi has finally got her True Blood claws into me. It was bound to happen sooner or later, considering my feelings on Southern USA accents (aka I love that shit.) Last night we played with her adorbs rats and watched 1x01-03 and SCREW YOU ALL I THINK BILL IS A HOTTIE. Also Sam and Lafayette are my favourites, so far. And Jason danced with that creepy mask :| stuff nightmares are made of, right there.

We're going to spend the rest of the summer watching all of True Blood and SPN 1-3 and it's gonna be AWESOME.

tv: true blood, oh how i laughed, the idiot box, tv: supernatural

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