best day ever

May 07, 2008 12:41

This is why silverpenlight is a winner:

1. I came online last night in a bit of a bad mood, from having just tried to watch Jesus Camp (I made it through the first fifteen minutes before it made me so uncomfortable I had to change the channel) to find an email from her linking me to GAY NECROPHILIAC DUCKS.

Yes, that's right. As in:


It was, as you might imagine, a very happy moment for me. (As silverpenlight said, "SAM/DEAN DUCKS Y/Y/MFY?")

2. And then I got online this afternoon to find another email from her! In which she had written me GAY ZOMBIE INCEST. WITH MAGGOTS. MAGGOTS.

Conclusion: I have the BEST FRIENDS EVER. This is a FACT.

gay necrophiliac ducks, oh you guys~, ship: brothers who are lovers, victory!!, zombies

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