they don't know where and they don't know when

May 08, 2008 21:58

An interesting fact about me for you all to consider:

I make Star Wars noises under my breath when I do things. Like, pressing buttons or hoovering or jumping down the stairs. All come with a bonus soundtrack. Mostly it's just laser gun battles and explosions, but I have been known to do some lightsabering too. Best of all is the fact that I have only recently noticed that I do this. WHO KNOWS how long I've been doing it for. WHO KNOWS where/why I picked it up. WHO KNOWS how many people have been staring bewilderedly at me all along. WHO KNOWS.

Likewise interesting fact: I cannot write when other people are in the room. At all. This is why I'm sitting here twitching at the clock and wondering if my parents will fancy an early night tonight.

This is why I am making inane lj entries instead! SUCCESS.

PS. Holy shit there is a new chapter of shoebox_project on the horizon.

PPS. The Deadly Deal, by guns_and_butter (PG-13, Sam/Dean, crossover with A Series of Unfortunate Events) I'm only halfway through, and I'm entirely unfamiliar with ASoUE, but OMG IT IS SO AWESOME. So there. When a fic opens with 'For Mary. Our passion burned with the fire of a thousand suns. Then you did', you know you're on to something good.

(3PS. Something about this entry is giving me a terrible case of deja vu. What is this.)

shut up tree, writing, recs

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