April the 27th and 28th: Tvtropes is dangerous stuff

Apr 28, 2010 23:14

Going to have to remember to avoid it for the next two days with exams, although it probably helps that I finished marathoning Doctor Who up to the end of season 4. XD
Finished up classes yesterday (I was one of only 4 or 5 girls in my Society and Tech course, still unnerves me when that happens) and, because we didn't have the counterculture on Thursday (something about my teacher being super allergic to poison ivy and accidentally sitting on it while behind a tree on a trail) we didn't have to do the last journal so I turned all of those in and am now done with one class. Today was reading day (which I love, the administration had better not take that out but once they announced they are seriously thinking about doing away with fall break we all knew they were nuts...) and I did some history, photography, and Japanese studying. Better get in Society and Technology before bed, but I've got a little more time here.
So, saw another few episodes of Toward the Terra at anime club (remember that one? I had to remind people that "it's the one where the kid got mind raped at Disney World after talking to a telepathic koala." Scary part is that they knew what I was talking about...). Didn't appreciate how the person who brought it in said at the beginning "and the best part is that it doesn't have an English dub!" in a cheerful voice. On Monday Bang Zoom sent out a letter (a sort of ultimatum of sorts to be honest) that if the economy doesn't pick up they won't be able to keep making dubs by this time next year so people need to stop developing. Took me a second but I don't think I've seen any of their dubs, or at least really liked them. Seriously, seen an ADV one or two and some of Funi's but that's it, I just go straight for the subs. But, even though I know a lot of people like subs too, it still makes me pissy that some people think that just having a dub on a DVD is a "bad thing" (and the thread for that topic on ANN now has a subtitle, BE POLITE OR GET BANNED, I'm avoiding that one).
So, made sure that Speed Racer was returned to the library yesterday (and was tempted by the 6 issue packs of the Nat Geo Mag there for $3 each), looks like I found the right slot after all. I was going to return my textbooks today but decided to hold off until tomorrow so I could study Japanese more (even though I have the textbook on a USB) and went to sell back my counterculture book but they only offered $3 for an $18 book. Guess who's off to make a little money at the used bookstore? Started packing today and dang, I need more boxes. Found a few bags I'd forgotten about but seriously, even though I got almost all my clothes in the Blue Whale, it's gonna be a tight fit. If only I could get a hold of Angela and her mythical milk crates, really need at least one for my books, might have to ask my mom to send up a box with my dad after all for this stuff. I foresee a serious desk cleaning tomorrow (after I mess up my room to get my undies out of the Blue Whale, wasn't my smartest move to put those at the very bottom of the bag...).
So, signing off I suppose, not quite tired yet (knew I shouldn't have had that Pepsi after the Tech Photo Major bitchfest, I mean, not ranting and eloquent major meeting, but it went on for so LONG, between that and getting help from a teacher later about camera needs I was over there for two hours!) but studying should help there. Or starting that tyding up early....

the counterculture, anime, american government and politics, speed racer, cleaning, textbook, packing, camera, japanese, toward the terra, society and technology, black and white photography, ed mckays, doctor who, library

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