April the 25th and 26th: Realized just as I went to bed last night that I forgot to post

Apr 26, 2010 23:55

Whoops, I blame tvtropes. I think that's a reasonable excuse anyway....
So, Sunday wasn't that busy since I had finished making/mounting all of my prints and that's what I normally spend my Sundays doing. Walked over to the library to drop off Speed Racer (knew it would be closed but didn't know their book drop off would be so tricky to find, gonna go over tomorrow or Wednesday to make sure I put it in the right place and if I was supposed to do that). Remembered to do the history quiz (now, to remember the retake one tomorrow) and got some of my Japanese exam homework done (erm, we have to turn in 20 sentences in Japanese on the day of the exam, sensei knows we can't write that much in the exam period plus do the rest, especially since we won't have dictionaries). So I considered that my studying for the day for those two exams, but I haven't been doing a lot of studying. I'll try to do a bit more Japanese tonight and look over some other stuff but honestly, how do you study for a final exam? Either you remember the stuff already and should be good or couldn't remember it the first time and need to figure out why/how to do it right. It's why I don't like cumulative stuff, if I already proved I knew it once I'm going to be a little annoyed that I need to prove it again. Yeesh, got better things to do with my time than do the same thing over and over (heck, I don't even like making the same plushie twice and that's voluntary!).
So, either my alarm did not go off Monday morning (my roommate doesn't recall hearing it either) or I slept through it. However, since it has been established that I don't sleep through fire alarms and I was half awake/half asleep around 8 am and should've been able to hear it I think it was my alarm clock's fault (recharged the batteries today) and will be setting that and my cell phone alarm for my exams. Either way, I woke up about 8 minutes to nine and cursed (what were you expecting my first reaction to be?), changed, grabbed the rest of the Greek Easter bread+bags, and ran off to class. Got there just a little after nine too so it was pretty much all good but I was really hoping I could make it through college without that experience. Did remember to grab my USB on the way out so Liz could put a copy of the Japanese text book on it (it's a rental book so I can't have it with me over the summer, but this means that I'll have a way to glance over it to refresh my memory before school starts).
Got to critique and forgot one log sheet but my teacher said I could drop it off in her mail box by Wednesday and it would be alright (whew). There was only one other person who did the stopping and showing motion shoot (versus the photo essay shoot, honestly I just couldn't come up with a story to tell that would feel genuine to me as I was photographing it) and I think my photos were pretty well liked. Despite how tricky it all was I think I did get some good pictures out of the shoot. One of the other teachers was also going through the room and looked at my photos (from a distance) for a minute or two which was good, and yet another teacher was looking at my negatives the other day (it was a "oh, you're looking at them? Um okay, NOW I feel self-conscious about them") and said that that the developing was good (no idea if that was just something to say after looking at them, the developing was good but he didn't like the shots, or if I have finally perfected the shaking process). But I take my compliments when I get them, and I like these photos pretty well also, yay all around?
The batteries took forever to charge and Doctor Who was being a bit tricky to find (had to resort to using Google's video search, heh, NOTHING escapes the almighty google!) and I should finish up Honey and Clover II tomorrow (just in time to get another review written up before The Counterculture I suppose). Also found the last sources for my Hells Angels bibliography (gawd, MLA is way too picky about the order in which you label things and just how much info you need, me thinks their google-fu is lacking) but I didn't get around to actually doing that until after knitting club. Knitting club had almost no one else there (I went back out just in case) and it started raining in the early afternoon so I was able to show off my raining cats and dogs umbrella today. Picked up a birthday gift for my dad at the bookstore (a book about various biking paths/trails/plans in NC, think he should like it) and the TRC art book as a treat (both using the money from my express account which goes away at the end of the year, going to see if I can use the last bit of it to buy a giftcard to the bookstore so I can use it to buy books next semester).
And that was about it for today, scattered and more hectic than I was imagining and the rest of the week is going to be crazy as well. Now, off to bed and hoping that the alarm works in the morning (if not, well, at least my class isn't until 12:30!). Signing off!

anime, weather, honey and clover, google, paper, japanese, doctor who, knitting, club, the counterculture, critique, rain, tsubasa, tvtropes, book, black and white photography

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