fic: And I'm on my knees... (Alex and April)

Oct 02, 2010 23:14

Title: And I'm on my knees...
Characters: Alex and April
Prompt: # 1 - Forsaken, from the angst table at drabble123
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: For lizzy29. Welcome aboard! Also, this is not a shippy piece at all... so, be brave. Try it out! 100 words won't hurt you.

April finds him, which is surprising. After, she'll discover she was the only one who didn't know he was missing.

He's crouched against the wall in the supply area, perpendicular to where Reed's life bled out of her.

There's only two people that can recognise the significance of this place. Of this few square feet of tile that will never be truly scrubbed clean.

Him and her. And if they never have another thing in common, they will always have this.

“Reed died right there...”

He doesn't bother to indicate a position and she doesn't need him to.

“I know...”

fic: drabble, character: ga: april, television: grey's anatomy, character: ga: alex

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