fic: And I'm on my knees... (Alex and April)

Oct 02, 2010 23:14

Title: And I'm on my knees...
Characters: Alex and April
Prompt: # 1 - Forsaken, from the angst table at drabble123
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: For lizzy29. Welcome aboard! Also, this is not a shippy piece at all... so, be brave. Try it out! 100 words won't hurt you.

looking for an answer... )

fic: drabble, character: ga: april, television: grey's anatomy, character: ga: alex

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Comments 17

lizzy29 October 2 2010, 14:33:49 UTC
Yay! loved it see they have that in common.

I just think they could work.

Here is the Alex icon.


waltzmatildah October 3 2010, 00:10:49 UTC
And it's a a pretty massive thing to have in common...

I'm still not convinced on whether they could 'work', but I might be interested in seeing them try, depends on how the writers go about it.

YAY for Alex icon! Especially one that makes me lol!


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waltzmatildah October 3 2010, 00:12:23 UTC
Thank you!

And I really do wonder the same thing... At this stage, I'm half convinced Alex is still pretending he doesn't remember any of it so he doesn't have to talk about it. I know he mentioned Reed to Bailey but only that she died, not where/how/that he was there etc...


slybrunette October 2 2010, 17:05:47 UTC
Well, this is an interesting way to work these two characters into a fic together. I guess I really hadn't thought about the common bond they share with regards to that place, so I love that you pick up on these things and better yet write them.

This is great!


waltzmatildah October 3 2010, 00:14:12 UTC
I have a sneaking suspicion that the writers are going to be giving us more and more 'interesting ways' to write them into fic together as this season progresses... thought I'd get some practice in!

Thanks for reading!


citron_presse October 2 2010, 17:34:30 UTC
There's only two people that can recognise the significance of this place. Of this few square feet of tile that will never be truly scrubbed clean.

I hadn't even considered this, but . . . guh, so true and so powerful. I also love the idea of this single point of connection between two people who barely know each other.

It's amazing how much substance can be fitted into 100 words - this is a perfect example of this.


waltzmatildah October 3 2010, 00:18:37 UTC
Yeah, I wonder if it will be mentioned on the show? Especially if the writers are as hell bent on shoving April in with the others (and, maybe, in with Alex in particular) as it seems they might be...

But, I have a funny feeling this connection might go the way of Lexie's "I love you..." and Alex's "You came back for me...". That is, no where!

Thank you for reading! And yeah, 100 words... for someone as typically verbose as I am in fics, it was difficult initially, but it's fun! And you can still manage to say HEAPS!

I only have two to go now, 'cruel' and 'poison'. Any requests?


citron_presse October 3 2010, 00:23:02 UTC
Any requests?
Well, since you asked (and since I have a newly acquired one-track mind!) - Alex/Mark, Alex + Mark or some ambiguous place between the two states, please. Either prompt - I like the possibilities of both!

(Edited for that elusive clarity thing!)


waltzmatildah October 3 2010, 00:33:26 UTC
(and since I have a newly acquired one-track mind!)!!


Though, this is one pairing where I think 100 words will never do them justice! Nevertheless, I shall make it work!

ETA: I have 100 words of cruel Mark. Very cruel Mark. I think you'll hate it and I'm scared to post it... It's probably some ambiguous place between the two states but leaning more towards an M/A vibe at the end...

Can you forgive me in the name of prompt filling?!


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waltzmatildah October 4 2010, 11:56:20 UTC
I also think the writers will go there... also, there is an Australian girl (actually, she's from where I live!) who is going to guest star for a couple of episodes mid-season and she's going to hook up with Jackson apparently, so yeah... A&A is looking more and more inevitable. And the sneak peek is maybe foreshadowing for what is to come...?

Not sure how I feel about it. April is growing on me. And I can basically ship Alex with ANYTHING because I swear the man has chemistry with anything that breathes!! But, if they DO go there, they better do it right.

If they go there... they should definitly start with this. OH PLEASE! PLEEEASE!


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