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Comments 85

waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 04:05:19 UTC
NAME | Leesa

FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD EPISODE/SCENE | The pilot will forever be special to me, because it completely and utterly sucked me in. The whole of season two (and especially Peekaboo) was FLAW-FREE. Fly, One Minute and Full Measures in season three. Thirty-Eight Snub and Crawl Space in season four. But there seriously has yet to be a single episode that didn't astound me in all the best kinds of ways...
CHOOSE YOUR MO - DISSOLVE/DISMEMBER/POISON/OTHER | The body dissolving tradition on this show will forever be my faaaaavourite. I do not care what that says about me :)
HAS WATCHING BREAKING BAD RUINED ALL OTHER TELEVISION EXPERIENCES FOR YOU? | YES! SO MUCH! Game of Thrones and The Killing pass muster, but pretty much everything else falls very short in comparison.

OTHER FANDOMS/SHOWS/LOVES | The Killing is my current obsession. I also really love Game of Thrones, Rookie Blue, and Grey's Anatomy.
... )


bellonablack June 17 2012, 06:06:46 UTC
Haha, I actually love game of thrones too. Have you read the book or just watched the tv series?

I want to start The Killing, a lot of my friends do and I only hear good and intense things.

...Definitely friending you so ;-)


waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 06:21:43 UTC
I've read the first book and I have the second one set to start. I've seen all the television episodes also. I'm really, REALLY loving it.

Oh! DOOOO watch The Killing! It's is good and intense like you have been told :)


bellonablack June 17 2012, 06:37:29 UTC
I loved the first book so because of Ned and I really liked the rest are so good, I always love how much depth and real human flaws and strengths in the characters. Sansa, Tyrion (I <3 him).

I will, I plan to start tomorrow. :)) As this established, I definitely love intense-good things.


bellonablack June 17 2012, 06:04:56 UTC
NAME | Jessica

FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD CHARACTERS/SHIPS | I love Walt and Jesse's twisted bond, so to speak. :)))) I mean, um, yes. I like their strange father/son dysfunction. I kind of like all the characters but I really like Hank and Marie's side idea, they are pretty interesting.

FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD EPISODE/SCENE | Oh my goodness. Scene: Half Measures, where Walt runs those guys over when Jesse was about to try and kill them. Episode: Fly.

ALso this scene is just so good because it's so ...it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU0O4PeMAwg&feature=related

CHOOSE YOUR MO - DISSOLVE/DISMEMBER/POISON/OTHER | Whistles. Poisons out of beans, yo.

HAS WATCHING BREAKING BAD RUINED ALL OTHER TELEVISION EXPERIENCES FOR YOU? | Pretty much, actually. I would never take it backkk though.

OTHER FANDOMS/SHOWS/LOVES | The Vampire Diaries, Alias, Harry Potter, Heroes (yes still), Shameless, Misfits, Skins, most ( ... )


waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 06:20:22 UTC
Poisons out of beans, yo. I APPROVE!!

And that scene you linked to? OH! SO UNDERSTATED AND FREAKING PERFECT! And also reminded me how ~AWESOME the soundtrack to this show is as well. ALL THE THINGS ARE FLAW FREE!



bellonablack June 17 2012, 06:31:35 UTC
I have been listening to that song because I DISCOVERED IT ON THIS SHOW. How freaking honest.

And when I think of Walt, that scene pops up first, because it says just about everything.



waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 11:43:02 UTC
My favourite of the songs that have appeared on this show is definitely this one! And also brings me straight to images of Walt. GLORIOUS!


revengent June 17 2012, 06:26:08 UTC
NAME | Kelsey

FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD CHARACTERS/SHIPS | JESSE! And Saul. But all of them are awesome, really.
FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD EPISODE/SCENE | I love the scenes where at the end of the episode you're like "oh, so that's how that part they showed in the beginning worked out!" and I end up doing some handflail motions. But I'm going to pick one of the funnier moments - like Jesse getting in the plastic container to see if a body would fit inside lol.
CHOOSE YOUR MO - DISSOLVE/DISMEMBER/POISON/OTHER | poison! I'd like to see the person unknowingly take the poison and I'd just sit there like "just. you. wait." That's probably sick and twisted, but yeah. Poison. Also it's much less messy than all the other ways.
HAS WATCHING BREAKING BAD RUINED ALL OTHER TELEVISION EXPERIENCES FOR YOU? | Pretty much! Breaking Bad is just perfection. There's some shows that I know can't even compete so I think of them on a different level, but others can be at the same caliber. But not really.



waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 06:44:09 UTC
"oh, so that's how that part they showed in the beginning worked out!" OMG. I rant and rant and rant and rant AT LENGTH and to ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN TO ME about how JAW-DROPPING the season two pink teddy arc is!!

... )


revengent June 17 2012, 07:19:52 UTC
omg YES! A friend of mine was watching the show for the first time and she kept asking about the teddy bears and I was just like "JUST KEEP WATCHING OKAY OMG" and I was almost (not really though) foaming at the mouth for her to finish so we could talk about it.

IT'S SO CUTE! Oh show, how funny you can be at times when you're not killing people or turning them into liquid or other things.

Glad to hear you're enjoying the ASoIaF books! They are quite massive, but it's worth it in my opinion. Just wait until you get to the books beyond what's been covered on the show :D

YAY PSYCHOLOGY \O/ ngl, I'm totally jealous you're doing your doctorate my GPA isn't high enough to get into the programs at my university I'm doing undergrad at, and I don't have the funds to move away from home right now to go to another grad school but OH WELL I'm applying to do a Master's in behavioral analysis because I love behavioral psych! But hnnng, your thesis sounds so cool! Good luck with it :) (and lol, brainsssss)


waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 11:45:38 UTC
Oh show, how funny you can be at times when you're not killing people or turning them into liquid or other things. THIS!!

AS for the ASoIaF books, looooooong doesn't even come close! But I am definitely looking forward to getting to the later ones.

YAY PSYCHOLOGY INDEEEEED! And behavioural analysis would be EPIC! We don't get to do too much of that sort of forensic stuff here, and it's always something I wish I could do more of. GOOD LUCK!


anoel June 17 2012, 07:10:43 UTC
NAME | Ashley/Anoel (fandom)
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION | Proud Angeleno (Los Angeles)

FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD CHARACTERS/SHIPS | JESSE. Favorite always. Um...I somehow also started shipping Walt/Jesse recently, IDEK. I love how Jesse wants Walt's approval sooo bad, it kills me. But I love their relationship in any way, shape or form. Also Hank's humor cracks me up. Gus would be my second favorite character, he's AMAZING and badass. Also I love Mike!
FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD EPISODE/SCENE | So many. The S3 finale because the end DESTROYED ME!!! One Minute oh my god suspense. Hermanos for the Gus backstory. Cancer Man for the Jesse storyline, that's when I fell in love with him and the show.
HAS WATCHING BREAKING BAD RUINED ALL OTHER TELEVISION EXPERIENCES FOR YOU? |Never. TV is my favorite. But it sets a high bar especially for other serial dramas. Mad Men was NOTHING compared to Breaking Bad this season. However I still think The Wire is the best but that's because it's The Wire ( ... )


waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 11:49:16 UTC
Re: Hank. I once knew a guy who was an undercover police officer with the RCMP in Canada and he was EXACTLY HANK! His mannerisms, his style of speaking, his reliance on stereotypes and racial slurs and just... IT FREAKS ME OUT! And also makes me really relate to Hank as a very real character.


I have yet to see The Wire, but I have heard amazing things about it. I will have to add it to my To Watch list.


anoel June 30 2012, 19:11:53 UTC
Yeah he definitely feels very real. I love what they've done with him!

OMG I loooove her Favorite always.

The Wire is the BEST. It takes a little while to get into but it'll blow you away once you get growing. I've learned so much about the world through that show as well as being ridiculously entertained.


dizzyknee June 20 2012, 02:43:57 UTC
Is it bad that I'm counting down the days? I need this show back in my life! xD

We have GoT, Parks & Rec, Glee/Glee Project, and House in common too. Friends? :)


(The comment has been removed)

waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 11:53:10 UTC
When I tell people who don't watch this show that there was an entire, jaw-droppingly SUBLIME episode based around the existence of a common fly they are (perhaps rightfully) dubious! BUT SERIOUSLY!!!!! How freaking GOOD was that episode? HOWWWW?

What is an M.Div? Excuse my ignorance!

Most excellent .gif selection!! THAT SCENE *thud*.

I haven't seen Six Feet Under. Which really only underlines your theory about not many people being into it! I SHOULD RECTIFY THAT!


falafel_musings July 2 2012, 19:52:01 UTC
My favourite choice of gratuitious Aaron Paul gifs on this meme! I'm a new fan seeking fellow BB fans on my flist (I'm friends only these days). I also love Mad Men and Game of Thrones. Can I friend you?


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