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bellonablack June 17 2012, 06:04:56 UTC
NAME | Jessica

FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD CHARACTERS/SHIPS | I love Walt and Jesse's twisted bond, so to speak. :)))) I mean, um, yes. I like their strange father/son dysfunction. I kind of like all the characters but I really like Hank and Marie's side idea, they are pretty interesting.

FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD EPISODE/SCENE | Oh my goodness. Scene: Half Measures, where Walt runs those guys over when Jesse was about to try and kill them. Episode: Fly.

ALso this scene is just so good because it's so ...it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU0O4PeMAwg&feature=related

CHOOSE YOUR MO - DISSOLVE/DISMEMBER/POISON/OTHER | Whistles. Poisons out of beans, yo.

HAS WATCHING BREAKING BAD RUINED ALL OTHER TELEVISION EXPERIENCES FOR YOU? | Pretty much, actually. I would never take it backkk though.

OTHER FANDOMS/SHOWS/LOVES | The Vampire Diaries, Alias, Harry Potter, Heroes (yes still), Shameless, Misfits, Skins, most Marvel and DC things --Batman forevver- (except Green Lantern film ohnooooo), Avengers right now. Downton Abbey, BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who. Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse, Firefly.

FANNISH PROCLIVITIES - FIC, ART, SQUEE, VIDS | FIC and SQuee and finding and linking fun art and vids.

FUN FANDOM FACT ABOUT YOU | I pretty much like all ships and things, so I'm open minded. :)

FRIENDING POLICY | I'll friend anyone, as long as you aren't a 'bot' or have generally offensive things--ism-ish things, you know--on your journal. Like I said, I'm pretty much easy going. :)

TYPICAL JOURNAL CONTENT | I do post some real life things but mostly it is memes and fandom.

ANYTHING ELSE? [hint: this part is for gratuitous Aaron Paul gif deposits!] http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/it%27s-not-perfect-but-hey


waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 06:20:22 UTC
Poisons out of beans, yo. I APPROVE!!

And that scene you linked to? OH! SO UNDERSTATED AND FREAKING PERFECT! And also reminded me how ~AWESOME the soundtrack to this show is as well. ALL THE THINGS ARE FLAW FREE!



bellonablack June 17 2012, 06:31:35 UTC
I have been listening to that song because I DISCOVERED IT ON THIS SHOW. How freaking honest.

And when I think of Walt, that scene pops up first, because it says just about everything.



waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 11:43:02 UTC
My favourite of the songs that have appeared on this show is definitely this one! And also brings me straight to images of Walt. GLORIOUS!


revengent June 17 2012, 07:24:44 UTC
I love Walt and Jesse's relationship! Most of the recent seasons I've spent crying out for them to be more friendly again. ALL I WANT THEM IS TO HAVE FUN AND NOT BE IN DANGER AND EAT FUNYUNS IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK D:

We like a lot of the same shows! Heroes (sob, I miss you show), Sherlock, Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, Dollhouse. Friends? :D


bellonablack June 17 2012, 07:53:09 UTC
Me too, to be honest, lol. I think they are really the only ones that know the other so that would be something.

I did not know how much I'd miss Heroes until it was gone. I mean rough patches but the characters were great themselves and their ideas were so intriguing. I would have watched the season in the Brave New World verse. I think it would have been fascinating.



mrsfisk June 19 2012, 18:31:03 UTC

TVD, Misfits (although I'm kinda pretending it ended s2), Skins, MARVEL/DC, Avengers feels & Sherlock?! Can I add you?


bellonablack June 19 2012, 21:02:19 UTC


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