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anoel June 17 2012, 07:10:43 UTC
NAME | Ashley/Anoel (fandom)
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION | Proud Angeleno (Los Angeles)

FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD CHARACTERS/SHIPS | JESSE. Favorite always. Um...I somehow also started shipping Walt/Jesse recently, IDEK. I love how Jesse wants Walt's approval sooo bad, it kills me. But I love their relationship in any way, shape or form. Also Hank's humor cracks me up. Gus would be my second favorite character, he's AMAZING and badass. Also I love Mike!
FAVOURITE BREAKING BAD EPISODE/SCENE | So many. The S3 finale because the end DESTROYED ME!!! One Minute oh my god suspense. Hermanos for the Gus backstory. Cancer Man for the Jesse storyline, that's when I fell in love with him and the show.
HAS WATCHING BREAKING BAD RUINED ALL OTHER TELEVISION EXPERIENCES FOR YOU? |Never. TV is my favorite. But it sets a high bar especially for other serial dramas. Mad Men was NOTHING compared to Breaking Bad this season. However I still think The Wire is the best but that's because it's The Wire ( ... )


waltzmatildah June 17 2012, 11:49:16 UTC
Re: Hank. I once knew a guy who was an undercover police officer with the RCMP in Canada and he was EXACTLY HANK! His mannerisms, his style of speaking, his reliance on stereotypes and racial slurs and just... IT FREAKS ME OUT! And also makes me really relate to Hank as a very real character.


I have yet to see The Wire, but I have heard amazing things about it. I will have to add it to my To Watch list.


anoel June 30 2012, 19:11:53 UTC
Yeah he definitely feels very real. I love what they've done with him!

OMG I loooove her Favorite always.

The Wire is the BEST. It takes a little while to get into but it'll blow you away once you get growing. I've learned so much about the world through that show as well as being ridiculously entertained.


dizzyknee June 20 2012, 02:43:57 UTC
Is it bad that I'm counting down the days? I need this show back in my life! xD

We have GoT, Parks & Rec, Glee/Glee Project, and House in common too. Friends? :)


anoel June 30 2012, 19:12:43 UTC
I am too! Every time I see a billboard I get excited.

All of my favorite fandoms! Sure :)


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