Kicking ass at LotRO lately. Seriously, I am so glad that Kurt (and to an extent, Carmen) convinced me to play this with them. There's always this feeling of "OH MY GOD, THAT WAS FUCKING EPIC" when you complete some hard "boss fight" type of instance.
How can you not feel like you're in the goddamned movie? Awesome.
We took on The Watcher in the Water, it was intense. We didn't know the instance would be so LONG!!! Halfway through, I had to GO HOME FROM WORK and everyone had to wait for me! That's some dedicated guild-mates, there. Actually, they all know me IRL so it might have been different if not ;)
The whole experience was summed up by "Book Four COMPLETE." We are FUCKING GODS.
Also, Death Guild needs to happen more often. I got a couple really cute pix of me and Christelle:
Christelle and I have a ton of fun every time we're out together. I'm so lucky to have reconnected with this girl, we've known each other for a LONG time but never spent a ton of time together for various reasons :) But now she's my homegirl.
Sometimes I wonder why any of you READ this.