(no subject)

Mar 21, 2006 01:33

I disagree and in some points you made i do agree. First im going to take what you said on the first line of paragraph two. Which of course im going to agree with. However, i was leaning more towards how to go about doing that. That is, the goal in which i was talking about. Prophesying doesn't save people. Love saves people. A congregation with open arms and warm loving hearts is what saves people. We agree on the outcome, but not on how to do it. Without a communal goal driving a congregation once again i say you go nowhere. You can speak in tongues all you want, you can prophesy all you want, you can use the gifts all you want. Love is what saves a person; and the way in which a body or congregation shows that love to people is the goal of the congregation. and this is nothing new to my thinking. I have always felt this way. Also its not about how many christian confrences you go to. I'm not less of a christian because i didn't go to a christian conference, or a retreat, or a seminar. You know you have the anointing. Why pay money to get it told to you over and over again and then not use it appropriately? Or watch it die off of you just because it doesn't remain consistant. Or better yet pay money for the word of God. Why are we selling the word of God? ITS FREE! Free for anyone who walks in to our sanctuary doors. last time i checked Jesus got mad and grabbed a whipp and drove everyone out of the church for selling things in the church. Which is what we have become. Now we advertise, endorse, and throw sales pitches in the middle of services TO AN ALMIGHTY GOD. church service isn't about the bake sale, or the selling of CDs made by an evangelist, that can be mentioned some other time, but not during something so sacred as a church service. Its about the exaltation of God. We defile it by making it a market place. Why should we have to pay for the Word of God, or why should we have to pay for what God is telling his body? Please saying nothing about offerings.... that is sooooo not what im talking about.(Sorry got off on another subject there)

Now paragraph 3. Only for the last 25 to 30 years has christian contemporary music been around or even accepted. So you cant possibly tell me that more people get saved through contemporary music. Especially when classical church music has been around for a thousand plus years. Now brian i realize you weren't there when Kim asked me to write this, so i'll excuse you for not knowing my reason for saying what im saying. Kim asked me to voice my opinion and my opinion is what this is. I will never condemn or judge anyone for listening to contemporary music in service. The service however isn't about us. And i agree with you, Jason Upton and Lindell Cooley have great anointings on their lives. I agree. but that is all i will agree with you on.

You said earlier that Blessed assurance and what a friend we have in jesus are from sacred pieces. Maybe in the pentecostal "sacred" music forum (note the sarcasm). You will never find those words in any sacred pieces. That my friend you pulled from your bootay tay. Those songs have all been composed within the last 30-40 years. They have nothing to do with sacred music. Especially with your entire first paragraph, you aparently didn't read much of what i said. I said the church shouldn't focus on our selves but the praise and exalted of God and Christ and the Holy Spirit, IN CHURCH SERVICES. Which is why im confused why you added that last sentence. I'm not talking about taking our eyes off of God, im talking about taking our eyes off ourselves for just one moment to see that God is much bigger than we can even imagine. But we cant realise even the smallest parts of how big God is until we start acting like a body or a united congregation. ITS NOT ABOUT US. Its about God.

Now i never used the word dumbing, that was your word. The relationship is a continual process, its an everday, every moment growth. What i am saying is that a service should be about God, not about us. I'm not attacking you, Kim asked me to give my opinion. I believe this kind of system would work much better for saving souls because you are putting your action where your mouth is, you are walking down a path as a congregation, not by yourself. Repentance should be done continually, not just on sundays. So why bother continually doing the same thing you do everyday in your own relationship, at the church of God. sure you repent, thats apart of praise and worship. but once again it isn't about us. Why? Where do you go when all you have is the same thing over and over again. What kind of moevement do you make when you aren't evolving as a group. You aren't. The bible states it clearly, its about evolving together, its about lifting each other up and not being so selfish for a changed to think that me and my relationship with Christ is all that matters. Until we start acting and working like a unified body we will get nowhere. There wont be much forward progress. Sure there may be some. But your ability, anointing, and effectiveness raises expenentially when backed by a united body of believers.

That is how i see things. Now this isn't a presbyterian view. I didn't learn this at church. I read it. Jesus took 12 guys who under normal circumstances would have hated each other (Jews and Romans; Fishermen and tax collectors; rich and poor) and asked them to set asside their lives and differences to work together as a cohesive unit and follow Christ. And they did. They did mighty works for God because they worked together, never seperately. You never read about an apostle who went off on his own and did many works. Christianity is about showing love through the body, and until you have a communal goal to save souls under the banner of a united body, you wont come close to the potential for saving souls.
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