As in still jobless and looking but I shall continue to keep my eyes open and work on animations, drawings and writing in the meantime. I miss writing but I get so distracted these days
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This Thursday I'm giving my first speech for my Public Speech class, and it's going to be an informative speech about the four Robins! But there are a few important details I don't know, and was wondering if anyone on my flist does
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I just thought I'd admit when I first liked DC, and what my history with its fandom, as well as what other fandoms I got into as I grew up to this point.
It was last year when I had purchased this little beauty, but only now that I stumbled onto it again and realized that I just had to share these images with my flist! Even if you're not a fan of Spider-man, please, take a look! It'll be fun, and it'll only cost you a little of your time!