Revenge is best served cold

Sep 30, 2011 17:39

Um, yeah. So I haven't really updated any of my LJs lately. Sorry about that.

So what have I been up to? I celebrated my birthday, I met Roger Langridge of Muppet Show and Thor: The Mighty Avenger fame, and went to Small Press Expo. What I didn't include in my report was listening to a ex-DC/Marvel inker regaling Langridge with war stories during his signing period. I came up to New York City for a daytrip because I have this weird thing called "vacation time" now that I have to use. I managed to not get lost, except for one wrong turn from Penn Station. I went to Jim Hanley's comics store because it was a Wednesday and I wanted comics. I visited the Met Museum and their Greek and Roman wings, mostly to help the Nano writings cobwebs. Then I went to the Mysterious Bookshop for the launch party of the Hard Case Crime line and met Christa Faust and Charles Ardai. Again I was surprised when Ardai recognized my twitter handle and thanked me for all my support. My photos are over here on Flickr.

Television wise: I've caught up finally on "Castle". I think I liked the graphic novel storyline in "Vampire Weekend" more than the "Heroes and Villains." I think I even liked the Blood Ties storyline better to a degree. New York is not Podunk-ville with one local comic shop. It's not quite one comic shop for every borough (although maybe), but it'd be hard for them to pinpoint *one* store like that. There *is* a subculture of "real life superheroes" out there, though. Countering that with say the cosplay community. Now that would be an interesting murder -- with clues involving someone's workmanship (or lack thereof) and/or weaponry.

And somehow I've gotten pulled into ABC's new show "Revenge" which is a modern retelling of the Count of Monte Cristo with a female protagonist and with a modern setting at the upscale Hamptons. I was expecting a trashy bad soap mystery and actually it's fairly engrossing with different entanglements. I think my favorite though is Ashley Madekwe, playing the party planner/best friend to Emily Vancamp's character. Partly because of her accent -- she was actually asked to try several other accents (including Jamaican!) before they settled back on her own accent.

I'm watching Project Runway but I'm pretty much not caring who wins now. There's too much drama this time around and the clothes are kinda eh, especially the last two challenges.

Anything else I can update people on, besides writing?


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