Baltimore con & LSH panel

Aug 22, 2011 11:15

So I spent the weekend at Baltimore Comic Con. The con was crazy busy this year, possibly because Stan Lee was in attendance, playing the Wizard of Oz by hiding behind a black curtained area. The aisles were pretty packed on Saturday. I was reminded on occasion of SDCC horror stories when everyone was lining up ahead of time for his panel and the costume contest. I spent most of my time in the vendor hall, shopping or getting art or meeting creators. I will do a formal writeup later, along with better scans of my art.

I posted a thorough report on the Legion of Super Heroes panel. The panel included Mike Grell, Keith Giffen, Jack C. Harris, Mark Waid, Barry Kitson and Chris Roberson. It included Mike Grell expounding on why he hated the Tyroc character, among other highlights. I also attended the digital panel which I haven't written up. Comixology ran a liveblog of sorts. Highlight came second day when I introduced myself to the Th3rd World (Stuff of Legend) gang and they recognized my username from twitter.

blogs, legion of super heroes

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