This is madness! This is Yuletide!

Dec 27, 2009 10:00

What? Someone had to say it. *grins*

I had a lovely treat waiting for me this morning: Things Left Unsaid, a wonderful little look at James/Natasha's relationship, what they say it is, what they don't. I loved the ending too. (The story's only visible if you're logged into the archive. It's gifted to LJ me, not my Yuletide identity... note to self, don't use a different userid next year. Too confusing for archive and everyone.)

comicstore_news has two complete lists of comics-related Yuletide stories, the long ones and the shorter fics. For all that the heavy hitters of DC & Marvel (i.e. Superman, Batman, X-men) were left out of Yuletide, that's still a pretty good number of comics fics there.

challenge: yuletide, pairing: bucky/natasha

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