All the AUs I have known...

Jul 02, 2008 10:27

It's official. I am my father's daughter. He loves alternate history, the what-might-have-beens, the left turn someone could have made in Albuquerque or Berlin or Gettysburg. I've tried writing them and they're damn hard to pull off. You really have to know the history you're twisting and all the implications once you've done.

To be honest, I have something of a love-hate relationship with AUs. I love examining how something could have been different "if only". In some fandoms, alternate timelines are canon. (Canon means different things in different fandoms, too, as I discovered to my frustration. Trying to explain comicsverse to media fans one year at Media West was a trying experience. Most understand canon as tv episodes, so this concept of a never-ending/always-changing/multiple source canon was alien, compared more to a soap opera.) I didn't really have issues with alternate timelines or even alternate worlds. I grew up with the Multiverse for heaven's sake. But putting them into a different setting (i.e. Regency England, Westerns) always felt weird. Maybe it was the bad fic I kept finding, but alternative realities felt a little like cheating, an easy way to explain why characters are acting/talking different. It's only recently that I've embraced the idea.

Maybe it was seeing the DC Elseworlds, who knows?

I picked this icon, because I was reading merfilly's response to my request and her earlier piece and thinking of Dinah in Gotham Central... add to the stew pot, bring to boil...

This makes so much sense. Dinah's slogan is "The Word of Justice." Family of cops, hard-line view of crime and corruption. -- Chloe Sullivan, "Siren".

aus, things i'm not writing, gotham central, black canary

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