Trying to filter out the outside influences

Jul 07, 2006 09:40

I was looking back over my ideas for two_of_us_fic and thinking I should rewatch "The Long Goodbye" to make it stronger. Yet I've resisted. I've even put off listening to the commentary or the MP3 version of the episode. It's really odd. When the episode first aired, I loved it. It was one of my favorites of the season. But like "Critical Mass" before it, I seemed caught up in the fandom wide's reaction to the episode, rather than just mine. "Critical Mass" was remembered more for the torture or not torture discussion, rather than the return of Cadman, which was why I was excited over the episode. So I'm twitchy over seeing those episodes, because I'll be reminded of the wank and shipwars over certain moments and certain scenes. Dumb of me, isn't it? Or just unfailingly human. I'm not sure which.

How do you juggle both? Or am I just overthinking this?

fandom, stargate: atlantis

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