New ground rules... more like guidelines

Jul 06, 2006 10:23

Frustrated by my relative fannish inactivity, I am laying down some new rules for myself, mostly to save my sanity. I've used the illness excuse too much already this month. I don't want to get in a habit or anything. My plotbunnies will develop abandonment issues.

So the rule is no signing up for new shinier fannish challenge until I've wiped one off the Dread List. (For those playing along, the Dread List is a suggestion from onedeadbunny to list all your existing plotbunnies/WIP/fannish commitments in one massive list, so you can cross them off as you finish.) If nothing else, keep a weather eye on the signups and come back and see if it still interests me the same way. gatecreation's Myth Ficathon is a good example. I have an idea for redoing Sleeping Beauty (in spaaaace!) for breakingalice, but it's become rather long and unwieldy in my head. We'll see.


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