Roundup of stuff

Jul 17, 2006 08:39

100_women: In a similar vein to fanfic100, I discovered 100_women. The goal is to write 100 stories about your favorite canonical female characters. You can limit yourself to one or two characters or spread yourself far and wide. And there are no claims, so you don't have to worry about missing the boat on a favorite.

stargate_tv: Fairly new community giving times/dates of Stargate cast member appearances on other shows.

I went in and tagged mckay_cadman's entries. I may go back in and add the LJ names to the tags, so it's easier to find a favorite author. I would like to come up with a new layout for that community, but I don't think my Photoshop/CSS skills are up to snuff.

In an even crazier moment, I catalogued all the langford_u AU stories both by author and sorta by timeline. These are the things I do when the writing is not coming along too well. Although I did type up a McKay/Cadman related piece I tried to write awhile back, so maybe the drought is ending soon. Good timing with the heat wave approaching...


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