May 10, 2008 10:28
My priest went on her first heroic! In fact, it was her first level 70 instance. Talk about a jump. Rather, talk about "no pressure!"
Being a newly minted 70, of course, her gear sucks. Since I don't want to take her to Karazhan (I'd rather take my main for the badges) and since I already have a PvP-bot, I thought I'd take advantage of the hax gear available to tailors. More specifically, I'm aiming for the Primal Mooncloth and Whitemend sets. Both of them require a butt-load of Primal Mooncloth, so I've been keeping an eye on the auction house for good deals. So far, I've made 2/3 PMC and 1/2 WM. The rest of my gear is blues and greens and not all of it is healy. There's some +damage gear sprinkled in there as well. (I don't even have 1k +healing.)
Well, my guild asks me if I want to accompany them on a heroic. Of course, I'm reluctant. My gear sucks, I'm an inexperienced priest, and I'm full discipline. They say not to worry! "When you have a paladin tanking, just spam Greater Heal." Plus, Heroic Blood Furnace is supposedly one of the easier instances to heal anyway. I say I'll give it a shot.
Well, that's exactly what I did. Prayer of Mending, Power Word: Shield, Greater Heal, Greater Heal, Greater Heal, Greater Heal, Greater Heal. Oh look, Shield! Greater Heal, Greater Heal, Greater Heal, Greater Heal. I had to drink after every pull. (I went in with 36 water. I came out with one!) But oh boy, it was a blast. Three paladins, a warlock, and a priest! Lots of bubbles going around! We died a few times, but no where did it feel painful at all. Challenging, yes. But not painful.
My favorite part was a certain wipe: one of the pallies DI'ed myself... and the warlock! "Gotta save the warlock!" Because you know pallies only DI someone to save themselves a repair bill! :D
Okay, now I really have to gear Llaren up. That was fun!