Mom went to step down from Icu this (Friday) morning. I was there from a bit before 5 til a bit after 8 this evening, then went up to a housewarming in odenton, arriving there a little after 9. From around 9:20 I didn't have my phone on me, until 11:20 when I made a comment in the FB event for a going away party, noting that if it ended at midnight sorry I seemed to have missed it. I picked up my phone intending to text someone and ask if the other party was winding down, and it was the hospital calling - mom was back in respiratory distress, sats at 40 but she wasn't supposed to be vented? I told them bipap was okay, and Kathleen insisted I shouldn't drive down alone so speaker drove me down and then Leiacat and bfudlmint eventually ended up bringing my car down from odenton. With an extra half hour's delay, apparently, because of mom's crazy LoJack interlock. Oops.
It had been forever since I had much talked with speaker, but if nothing else it probably would have inconvenienced at least several fewer people if I had caravaned...
As it was, mom was much improved and speaking by the time I got there. Greeted me, um, 3 hrs ago with "go home."
But we are at a loss as to what is going on. The drop was the same as on Monday - go from talking to falling over.
I could conceivably stay nearby but my phone is out of charge. And it isn't so far this time of night. Sorry,
recalcitranttoy, I don't think I will make it to your class after all.