
Jun 07, 2005 12:48

sorta been a while since i wrote here, theres actually been a little more activity in my life than usual so thats stalled me from writting here. anyways, I guess i'll start today's entree with something thats been bothering me for a while.

i pretty much was used by my 'sexually frustrated' ex a while ago. its not like i didn't think something was going to happen, it was kinda late when she told me to go over to her place. pretty much what ensued was us talking for a while, watched some tv & ....yeah. after about a 1/2 hour she would stop, saying that she wassen't in the mood. later revealing that she is only in the mood of another ex of hers. citing some shit like "i love him, but the person he was is dead & i cant love him like he is now". while most men wouldent give a fuck, i do. i mean it made me feel like shit & it still kinda getting to me today which is just fucking bothering me. of all the crap she could have said. i've decided not to waste my time with her anymore.

the next day i would call a friend of mine & we hung out for a while. we drove around looking for someone to sell us some bud. i would call all the conections on my list, which were only about 4. she would call all the ones she knew also. we went to the crap apts, that connection wassen't even home. called a friend & she was pretty hysterical about her ex taking her blow & grass, also about him calling her a drug addict outside in her neighborhood, even thou he does crystal meth or some crap like i thought it wassen't all that appropiet to ask her if she could get some. i would then call stace, my last resort, i thought that maybe we could score some off her sis or her bf. she would answer & she gave the phone to hardcore joe, he wanted to talk to me because he had called my house looking to see if i knew anyone if wanted any. the both of us just started laughing & said yes. drove over to his place where we saw the stace. he gave me a 10, and we all smoged out on his bong from his own shit. i hate when i act stupid on that & that was one of those trips. dont really know what i was talking about, i think i was just speaking jibberish or something. anyways, we would leave a while later. i would spend my trip playing guitar & dicing apples.

a day or so later that friend called asking if she could come over, she did around 1:30am. she came after she smoked with a friend & she was kinda high when she got to my place. we didn't really do all that much. since she was a vegetarian and we arn't really she made a cheese sandwitch with mustard, soy & hot sauce........ yeah, makes me feel a little sick just thinking about it cause it wasent a slice of cheese, it was 2 spoonfulls of nacho cheese. why the fuck am i talking about sandwiches? anyways, we watched system's live performance on SNL cause i had it recorded & she missed it. she didn't really do all that much after that and just went to sleep. i stayed awake for about 3 more hours just listening to music waiting for me to get sleepy. tried drawing her, but she kept moving too much during her sleep so i just gave up. finally went to sleep & was surprised when i woke up later.

when i woke up she was sitting up on the side of the bed, then my concentration shifted to my pants, one of the sides was wet, then i noticed that the sheets looked alot darker than normal. she then told me she pissed the bed. it was kinda funny, i think she was a little ashamed at 1st, but i said something & we both thought it was pretty funny. i put the sheets away & just looked at the bed with it's newly aquired stain right in the middle. for some reason we layed down on opposite sides of the bed as to not lay on the wet spot. then i said "& this is how the americas split off from africa & europe." which we both thought was pretty funny. dont really know what else we did, she tried to appologise & i kept on saying it was not a problem. we would then smoke a bit. i don't really feel like into detail anymore & im sure you people got better things to do so lets make this quick. went back in, i was being stupid, we went back outside again after 3 hours and smoked again, being stupid some more. by the time she left the bed was dry.

she would spend the night again about 2 days later, also smogged out that time, no bed wettening that time tho, which was an improvement. just hung out and all that crap. i don't really care, i all i know is that it felt pretty good sleeping next to someone in a bed that i usually sleep alone in. it would be about 3 days till the next time we hung out.

yesterday, her, her friend noe & me went to ihop. it was ok. noe was a pretty cool person to talk to, not that i did much talking to her since i just don't talk as freely to new people at 1st. the coffee tasted like shit & the strayberry shake tasted like crap too. noe had the same except her shake was vanilla. she had a salad and coffee. we all just talked & looked at the pictured she had taken with her phone. it was all winding down & i got bored so i sprinkled some black pepper in my coffee along with some strawberry syrup. they told me to drink it & i did. didn't taste that bad. what did taste like shit tho was the glas of water that she put cream, salt, pepper, syrup & who know what the fuck else in. at that moment i regretted drinking that coffee. it was mostly the mixture of salt and water that made it taste so bad that i could only stomache 3 gulps which would make me feel momentarily sick in the van. i felt stupid so i started waving at people i didn't know the cars next to us on the freeway. we then went to my place where i got the pipe & the stash so we could go to the park & smoke. it was ok, i came up with the idea that she should have a hooka built into the back compartment of her van, i thought that would kick ass. anyways, they just droped me off at home where i played it off that i wassen't on anything, but i was kinda paranoid wondering where the j i had made, my stash & pipe was. then i looked in my pockets & i found the j,later i would remember that i gave her my stash and pipe. it was all ok, atleast for today. then i just layed down & watched "Cannibal: the musical" for the 3rd time, got to love that stupid trapper song.

and thats pretty much all of it, i would write more crap & some of my other thoughts, but why bother if no one is reading. now, i need to go and kidnap some people or some shit. later.
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