So.. Today I had a conversation with Brian. I was asking him about something and then we got to the absolutely random point. You don't have to be involved in that but I'm not ticklish .. Basically when people are trying to tickle me it just hurts cause there's no meat, you can actually feel my ribs. As in "bullet" the guy said: girls can wash
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Wow.. Something just broke down for this week. Good that it will stay here, in this year. First you broke down and told me what happened half a year ago, I tried to got over it by the talking. Talking about the same shit. I got tired but it still didn't go anywhere from head. Then I started thinking way too much and as a result can't sleep for a
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And here I am again. I hate women. I can't trust them. I'll do the lil list with the names in it. Every single person who fucked me over. It is actually really hard to do.. The only one way is to start hooking up with my ex beloved behind my back. I'll say again and again. There's an unwritten worldwide rule: don't fuck with your best friend's
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я тут на днях общалась со знакомым (американец), и неожиданно у меня заболел позвоночник. говорю - my spine hurts! и произношу вместо "спайн" - "спин". он с таким возмущением на меня посмотрел, исправил, опять посмотрел.. я ему и говорю, and now pronounce please poz-vo-noch-nik.
я в процессе. точнее, уже решила. надо лист ту ду написать.. и всё-всё из него сделать. делать или не делать? конечно, первое.потому что хуже уже не будет. не, не так) будет только вверх, вперед и как надо. даже если это в стороны ) хаха хорошего дня )