Well THAT just cost me 200 bucks!

Oct 10, 2007 10:59

This post in futurama caused me to go to the link and read about the new play The Farnsworth Invention. Not only is it starring Hank Azaria (as David Sarnoff), it is written by Aaron Sorkin (one of my favorite living scenarists - I mean, I enjoyed a show about Sports that he wrote, for goddsakes!).

Those 2 details were enough for me. But add to the mix that the subject of the play is the invention of the television (a fairly geeky subject in the first place), and that I worked for RCA right out of college, and got to hear all about the gory behind-the-scenes details (as told by Sarnoff, who founded RCA) - well, I feel like I have been a close observer of that bit of history, and peripherally involved with it, and also living in the area where this all occurred (driving past the RCA Camden factory with Nipper and the Victrola done up in stained glass every single day for a decade), and working for RCA...

And a preview on our anniversary?!?!

The only grief I expect is that it's on a Monday night, and we are NOT taking the kid with us. I think she will be angered by that, because she's into the theater at the moment. But it's a school night, and it's our anniversary, which might be nice to be just the two of us for a night on the town. I can't remember ever doing that.  I just also hope that the main cast will be onstage for the preview. I missed Azaria in Spamalot.

theater, broadway, anniversary

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