Aug 29, 2009 11:39
This has been going around for a few days..
It's a British PSA (several minutes long) depicting a scene with a teen girl texting behind the wheel with her friends, and the horrible result. What's amazing is, you must confirm your age is at least 18 before you can even watch it on Youtube. Thus, they are preventing many of the drivers who could get themselves into this situation from watching realistic consequences.
The UK is becoming a "big brother" state quicker than we are, with surveillance cameras everywhere. But I admire their brutal honesty with warning labels. They don't censor dangers to sensitive viewers, and have *real* labels on cigarettes, in huge letters effectively saying "SMOKING KILLS, YOU DUMB FUCKS". I've heard we're getting stronger ones soon, with pictures of diseased lungs on the cartons and everything. Good.
But next, we also need to get through to the cell/mobile marketers that their phones are not super-fun-happy lifestyle devices that can be used everywhere and anywhere without consequence. You have no need to text message while driving, got it? NO NEED. If you must contact someone on the road, get a hands-free kit and use your voice, that thing in your throat that makes sounds. Or, much better, you pull over, or you stop at the next exit. And don't tell me "but I'm really good at using my phone while driving". No, you think you are. Much like most drunk drivers think they're okay, too. (and yes, I've done it, but that doesn't make it right)
If one thing must be said to today's ADD-ridden LOL-generation teens in driver's ed class, it's that your car is neither your home nor the internet. It's a machine in which you can kill or be killed.
OK, I'm hopping off the soapbox and heading to Mike and Val's.