The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Democratic Super Majoritywww.thedailyshow.comDaily Show
Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRon Paul Interview Another laugh/cry bit courtesy of the daily show. We will get nothing done for health care as long as most Americans continue to serve Company, and not Country. And why not? Company provides, not just income, but your health care as well. And in that sense, Company has more power in the average American's life than Country. Congress serves Country and not Company, and that's why Company sends men to their door in the form of lobbyists, and that's why nothing is getting done for health care. Unfortunately, Company's #1 goal is to maximize profits, Country be damned. And since the last administration's laws were all made to benefit Company and not Country, Company is mad that Congress would dare neglect it.
Thus, the folly of capitalism. Government means so little, when they really have so little power over Country.