Jun 25, 2006 05:37
it's five thirty am, california time. keith urban has been a married spud for five hours. by now, he's probably in Fiji. hell, right now he's probably getting laid. that's actually a very squicky concept, to think that at right now on the other side of the world, the people i'm talkin' about are gettin' it on. suddenly touching the keyboard is squicky. eww...
and honestly, i didn't stay awake to honor the death of KU's bachelorhood. i'm still awake because yesterday for some reason i slept in, then took a three/fourish hour nap. so that sucks. and then around three am i realized my comp was stalling it's death throes so i needed to back things up. only half the important stuff is backed up and it took three hours. ::shaking head:: ::strokes poor puter::
just think happy thoughts, puter... if you see an email come through in the next week or two saying i've been accepted to university in australia, you, my poor over-taxed puter will get to retire and become mom's quicken-machine and only ever play solitare and crunch numbers like you were intended to do... a little positive thinking and efficient emailing for another month or so... that's all ya need...
oi. talking to puter.
strange days