(no subject)

May 31, 2006 20:27

Ahhem.  And I quote:

so my plan for tomorrow: Today:
wake up early.  dress nicely. Uhmmm not exactly... slept a bit late... grabbed jeans and a sorta nice shirt. 0=c>
drop sibling off at school.  uhmmmmm... mom did that...
go to places of employment to request letters of reccomendation.  Ohshit, knew i was forgetting something!  i at least asked if temp agencies had any work for me to do, AND signed up at ANOTHER temp agency... yea...
go to post office to start passport process. BIG EFFING CHECK!!! got application, filled it out, and finally got (sucky) photos, so!! i take it back tomorrow and voila! process on THAT started!!!!!!!!!!!!!
come home and fill out more resume cover letters.   errr.... didn't do that 'cause i've only been home uhmm maybe a half hour... twas a freakin' busy day.

but! got response from one of the resumes i sent out the other day! job interview on friday, i'll prolly blow it, but whatever.  *right* after the interview we're off to frisco. or at least that's the plan... whooooo knoooows.  ali's pissed at me because i don't want to go to china town - sorry, i'm gonna be enough of  a wreck trying to figure out how to navigate BART, i'm not going ANYWHERE that's not a full blown tourist trap and that's not within two blocks of our ride back out of the city.  Which limits ali to the piers pretty much. ooooh weeeeeeelllllllll.  maybe next trip i'll get brave and venture off in to places i don't know.  but not this one.  BABY STEPS PEOPLE!!! but howtf do you explain that to stubborn thirteen year olds with Asian fetishes???

it'll happen... i'm going to another country for school with any luck... eventually i'll talk myself in to taking on something small and simple like chinatown.  but NOT this weekend.

need qaf.

wtf, strange days

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