fuck lj

May 30, 2006 17:14

okay.  because lj is fucking stupid and just erased a post rather than autosave it. i'll rewrite with less happy enthusiasm.  they better not make this a habit....

so summary:
my productive day:
slept in a half hour. (oops)
submitted three resumes/job aps out of five.
researched AU schools.
excercised on bike.
played with puppy.
played phone tag with school people -- my high school and college transcripts are both enroute to my home addy as we speak.
played email tag with the middleman for the australian education programs -- asked a crap-load of questions that if he can answer for me, i'll be golden.

narrowed down exactly which school i want to go to and exactly which program:
university of sunshine coast - BA of design & communications
total cost for three years of program: $45000 AUD, or, at current rates $34,282.84 USD. and that's JUST tuition.  i'll figure out how to actually afford it if they ever accept me.

and on a brighter note just to snub the evil LJ... the mail just got here and in it is my birth certificate! muahahaha! SOOOOOOOOOOO i can go start my passport info tomorrow. muahahahahaha!!!

so my plan for tomorrow:
wake up early.  dress nicely.
drop sibling off at school.
go to places of employment to request letters of reccomendation.  
go to post office to start passport process.
come home and fill out more resume cover letters.
check email to see if IDP dude got back to me... if he did... maybe i can apply to the schools tomorrow!! =cO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that would rock.  not gonna happen, but would still be cool.
okies. scraming to go answer qaf q's for sibling who wants to write a oneshot songfic to natasha bedingfield's "size matters".

ranty, wtf, jobhunt, muahaha!!, travel, high aspirations, tao, strange days

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