May 24, 2006 20:16

SOME JERK messed with my sibling!!!!

she was riding her bike home and some unknown jerk grabbed the back of her bike as she passed by.  she ended up IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET unable to move her right arm for nearly five minutes!!!!!!!!!!!! kids crowded around oooohing and gawking and nobody helped her up.  FOUR CARS drove by her!! FOUR ADULTS!!!!!!!!! she's still under her bike in too much pain to MOVE.  the bus driver down the street had to page the school to tell them about it and the school sent down a yard duty. (he's the same yard duty i palled around with in elementary school and i think in jr high... and he remembered me! came over and gave me a hug even! ::snicker:: that was funny.  anyway....) so the yard duty escorts her to the nurse, the nurse calls me.  i call mom... mom's rushing me off the phone as soon as i say "ali's school called..." and i had to fight to keep her on the phone long enough to tell her that it's something with her wrist but she's OKAY...
so not trusting that my MOM will be okay when she gets there, i get in the car and drive down there just to put up a good front and be a good older sibling and give moral support... since all i knew at that time was "ali fell off her bike and hurt her wrist" i was a loooooot calmer than mom and ali both.  but ali was in paaaaaain. i never in the past uhmmmm 5 years at least seen the kid cry but she was!! she was crying!!! a lesser sibling would have taken photographic evidence to prove it. but i didn't. alas.  some kid i've heard ali mention the name of mayyybe once was lurking around the nurses office looking for her, all worried about her, and the nurse let him in finally after talking to ali.  it was amusing.  three hours later, the rumor mill that kid had started had ali hospitalized after having been hit by two cars. ::snerk:: it will be amusing to hear what the stories are tomorrow after school.
so we then spent the next three hours at the prompt care place doing the whole xray gig.  they're not *sure* if the bone is broken, since the chiled broke the SAME WRIST about three to five years ago in such an odd way that it might be what's showing up in the xrays this time around. oi.  she shall find out in a couple days.  
in the meantime, no writing, no typing, no nothing. she hardly moves the arm (which is a MAJOR indication that som'ns wrong with the kid.) she's complaining about not being able to do homework or take tests that are coming up in history and math classes.  (nother big sign there's problems.) the bright side is, that as long as it's BROKEN, and not just a sprain, then she should be allllllll good to go by the time she hits soccer camp in two months.  but she's still grounded. ::snerk::
but, like a nice sibling, i tried to cheer ali up from her blues.  i sat down and watched qaf with her, editing out the gratuitous sex and as much inappropriate dialogue as i could possibly prevent.  mom and dad didn't appreciate it, altho surprisingly, mom had more probs with it than dad did. LOL! she's getting very very very VERY republican in her old age. teeheehee 0=c>

as for the bullyjerk who hit her bike, we still dunno who he is.  the nurse said write a note to the school expressing the annoyance at the hospital bills for the bullying, and chi offered up a call to her connections. heh.  come break a few arms and find out who the bully is, THEN beat the kid's head in and send HIM to the hospital!! works for alllllll concerned on this end of things anyway....
okies.  rant off.
byebye now!

ranty, strange days

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