life: More proof she's going insane.

Mar 26, 2010 11:49

So after an all nighter with sibling - which was actually quite fun.  We had the giggles like every five seconds as we pieced together this video of talking MatchBox cars for her Spanish class oral assignment, and she actually did most of the work. *is proud* Anyway. - I woke up after maybe three hours sleep wondering if I should ask my current bosses how long they intend to be employing me.  I've been there exactly a month and a few days now, and I have no idea when the full time crew will be hired, so I'm not sure at this point how to plan for my life the next couple months.  It's kinda on my mind.  Not a problem at the moment, just a curiosity - do I have a plan, or should I just be happy to take it day by day?  I'm learning to do this day-by-day thing.  It's okay, I guess, just a little nerve wracking at times, but I still live at home, so in the long run it's not that bad. Right?  Right.

So then fifteen minutes ago I pull out my laptop to play on the internets while watching SPN - YEA! FINALLY! SPN IS BACK!!! - and I navigate to facebook.  And a few days ago, because everyone else on my list did - including my sister, which surprised me - I signed up for the 'astrology' tab on facebook.  So yea! Daily horoscopes again!  Yesterday morning I checked it after having been awake awhile, I was all mousy and stuff, and I laughed at it because it said my mood of the day would be aggressive.  Turns out, a few hours later, dramaz at work got me all "OHNOUDIDNT!!" about inanimate objects, and it pretty much stayed that way all day, so eventually it turned out to be right.  I found that amusing in hindsight.  So I go check out today's.

Try to see today's turnaround as a new beginning -- your attitude is all that could possibly hold you back! Once you see that your possibilities are nearly endless, you should be just fine.

Compatibility: Virgo
Mood: Hopeful
Lucky Color: Peach
Lucky Number: 82
Lucky Time of Day: 6am
...well. Shit.  6am was when sibling took control of her own project while I snoozed thru my alarm and miraculously the computer finished the rendering on time to burn it off to disk before she left for school.  So 6am WAS lucky, because she didn't have cause to chew my head off since she took responsibility for it.
I actually HAVE been in a hopeful mood all day, since I had a very helpful convo with my dad about my staying-vs-going quandary, in which he did most of the talking and I just got to listen and hear him saying basically the things I'd been very much afraid to tell him 'cause I wasn't sure he'd understand.  Turns out, he gets it.  It was awesome.
I'm not wearing peach, but I'm thinking I should go with something other than my casual-friday black knit tent for a shirt.

And if they say they're cutting my hours or god-forbid hiring on their permanent employees today, I think I might freak out just a little bit all over the facebook astrology page.

As soon as I walked IN THE DOOR, my boss pounced on me with, "GUESS WHAT! WE R CHANGIN' UR HOURS!" - Down to three days a week.  I has a weakness they has observed and can compensate for via another employee, so they is doing the shuffle.  I shall now be under the bosses' watchful eyes.  ohdear.  Paranoia. 
I think I'm gonna try to use new hours to sneak a drive up to WA.

But seriously, facebook warned me I was getting my hours cut. WHAT. THE...

wtf, labgoi

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