life: wtf, facebook?!

Mar 27, 2010 10:56

It did it again. wtf.
So I woke up an hour ago.  Dragged my sleepy, sorry ass to the shower kicking and screaming 'cause the water's gonna try to kill me again.  (It obviously lost the battle today. So far.)  And whilest scrubbing at my hair, I figured I needed some light retail therapy.  I'm broke but have cash and no immediate plans on things to spend said cash, so I can afford this thing I've been sighing after for a few weeks now.  It's cheap but might do the trick.  So, yea! Perfect!  Retail therapy to talk me out of the house, then make myself stop at the park and enjoy the sunny day out doors.
So an hour later, I go to facebook.

Daily Horoscope: March 27, 2010
You may feel like shopping -- or you may get a sweet, unexpected gift from someone close. In either case, your relationship with material possessions takes a step toward something better.
Compatibility: Aquarius
Mood: Surprised
Lucky Color: Sky Blue
Lucky Number: 57
Lucky Time of Day: 4pm
AND, TMI but still relevant... wtf is with their lucky colors being the color underwear I'd already been in that day?!!? Yesterday was the same way.  Two days in a row they've called it.  I think they have spies in my freakin underwear drawer.

...I am not making this shit up.

Also, I need to learn to be calm.  Stress is making me slightly insane. I'm pretty sure I'm not exaggerating on that.  Anybody know where to find a crash course on Buddhism?  Oh, I know! Retail therapy time! Barnes & Nobles will have it!

Imma go find sugar cookies. ::mousy sulk::

Edit:  At 4pm, sibling and I were shopping at Barnes & Noble - debateably lucky because I found the book on buddhism I was looking for and it wasn't as I'd expected, so Imma research online more before I put any money in to it.  But we found a Patricia Briggs book about werewolves, and an awesome book bag... Also, Mom came home that night and surprised me with Outback Steakhouse for dinner. No reason at all other than a "Von is in her eeyore mood and Ali wants ribs for dinner, so this will kill two birds with one stone."  Very expensive stone, but, effective! I cleaned the house in repayment.  I even cleaned the oven. ::snicker::  Spring has sprung. Watch me clean shit!


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