life: blah.

Mar 24, 2010 22:15

I wish today was Thursday.


Because SPN is on Thursday.  I have been seriously jonesing.  And I don't even watch that show.  Until the middle of last season.  Off and on.

And w.t.f.

We've had a week of sun.  A week of 85 degrees.  It's been three days since I've even SEEN a cloud in the sky.  I've had the windows down all week and my car's finally drying on the inside.  It doesn't smell like animal-diaper anymore.  So I left the windows down an inch when I got out of the car this afternoon because it was full, warm, beautiful, allergies-are-killing-me cloudless sunshine.

Five hours later, the sky just opened up and dumped out RAIN.  Cold. Freezing. Rain.

My toes are now frozen 'cause I had to RUN to get my car windows closed, and tarp off the car to save the floorboards from the leak.  That rain is POURING and it is FREEZING COLD.



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