life: Remember I mentioned we made the news?

Jul 27, 2009 22:19

Well, I found one of the journalists' articles, published in the still-mostly-locally-owned paper.  it's a rather sucky paper, honestly, cluttered with ads and badly written news articles (Look Who's Talking...) but it's the only news source that covered it in print.  And this person paid attention to a totally different aspect than we did, seemed to overlook a large part of the hour-ish discussion that did focus specifically on whether or not to zone the outdoor growing by & for co-ops and dispensaries.  Huh.  But, I guess, what do you want for an article buried behind 11 pages of advertising, movie/book/music reviews? ::shrug::

The other amusement: on the opposite side of the printed page, so on page 26 to the article's page 11, was five ads for "wellness centers" where "medical marijuana evaluations" can be obtained. Ah, irony, how I love thee.

Anyway, here's the article, from the Chico News & Review:  .  It even quotes my daddy. =c)

politics, potheads

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