life: cool news update!!

Jul 23, 2009 00:41

1) i got an A in my logic class!!!!!!! and i got an A in my public speaking class!!!!!!!!!!! WOOFREAKINHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(GPA still sucks 'cause of the c's in science and math last semester, but whatever.)

2) we got a note from the city manager and he's passed the issue on to yet another city manager who will be keeping us updated on what's going on with the ordinances and such. =c) yes, buck was just passed, but still, that's impressive for small-town-mindset politicians in a city-sized... uh... city. at any rate, it's still better than we figured on getting at the onset.

3) err, more like bad news... because dad's *still* injured from the at-work injury of almost two years ago, and the state just froze/cut jobs at the uni, dad was just notified today that as of over a month ago he's been forced into disability retirement. WTFHELL?!?! they made the decision in july to make him retire, but then felt they needed to make it retro-active, to, ya know, COMPLETELY screw him over.  and he works at a union shop.  la-de-dah.  unions are apparently bullshit.  as are lawyers. but we already knew this....

school, labgoi

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